2 validation groups problem


john morales

Hi guys,
I have a problem and i know there must be a solution for this as it is such
a basic common practice in asp.net development.

i have many webforms in a site, most with two different custom controls,
one is a login module, the other is a generic data entry module. When there
are no validation controls on the page there is no problem. But when the
the data entry module has validation controls, the login module triggers
the data entry module's validation.

Q: how can i get the login module not to trigger the validation? i found
a few solutions that basically advise to turn off clientside validation which
is not an option, as posting back just to return a validation error message
is bad a user experience and the developer should be shot on site. Any elegant

I know that asp.net 2 will have validation groups to fix this poor design
flaw, but is there something that can be done now that will mimic validation
groups. Or am i just stuck with capturing the current focused input and setting
validation off/on accordingly.

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