
Using access 2000

I have a Main table
I have a Player Stats table
I have a Player Info table

I believe each of these (3) tables have the same fields in them, and would
like to put the player stat table data into the main table. Then I would
like to put the player stats table data into the main table.

So when I'm finished I have a up to date Main table, that contains ALL the
info collectively from the other two tables. I have tried various queries.
But every time I run them they do add the data but the add each player again
in to the db. So if I start with a empty main table, then run queries and
put the stats & info into it (main table) I end up with two records for each
player (1 record has their info - the other record has their stats).

How do I get this fixed?


Duane Hookom

Leave the information in three tables and combine them with a query when

Why would you state "I believe each of these (3) tables have the same fields
in them"? Can't you look at them and tell for sure? The structures should
all be mostly unique.


what kind of query do I use to combine them (when needed)? I have been
trying to work on a update query and a append query but keep running into
problems (this is when trying to merge 2 tables into 1 main table).

Ultimately the data which I want to have in 1 table, changes everyday since
it is statistics. And I would like to have it dumped into 1 main table when
I run the appropriate query(s) so that I can base my statistical queries off
1 table, and base all my forms and reports off the same.

Maybe my db layout is poor, I would ultimately have a table for batting
stats, a table for pitching stats, a table for field stats, and table for
general info about each player (ie. college, draft year etc....)

Any suggestions would be appreciated,

Duane Hookom

Look up Select Query in Help.
Do you have any tables yet?
I would not create tables with duplicate information.

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