2 Independent forms


Steve Russell

Creating a marathon race timing database. Two tables,, #1 is for
runners names,age,sex,bibnumber,etc. #2 is for timing the race,
updating a field with records with the exact time each time a person
presses on a button at the finish line. #2 is run by code in a Form
that displays
stopwatch timing and a command button that posts the time the moment
the button was pressed and places that time into #2 as a new record.
Once the race is over, the first bib across the line is assigned the
fastest time and so on. A query takes times-bibnumber resuts and
generates a report with the top three runners in 24 divisions.
Everything is working great. However, I need to enter last minute
walk-up applicants (150+) into table #1 even after the race has
started and still be able update #2 clock-form running in the
background. The problem is, during a short race, you have to stop
entering into #1, give control to #2 to click a runner crossing the
finish line, then go back to #1 to input more names. I want them to
run independent of each other, almost like there is a remote clock
running with a second person in control of that clock updating #2

PC Datasheet

First you need to use forms to enter your data rather than enter it directly
into the tables!

When you create your forms, first create a new .mdb file and link to the
existing tables. Then create your forms for data entry. Once you have this front
end working, make a copy of the frontend and give the copy a similar name to the
original file but slightly different. You can now open both front end files and
multitask from the statusbar to get the two independent connections to your
tables you want.

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