2 Forms, 1 table



I am designing 2 forms that are attached to one table. When I switch from
form 1 to form 2, I still want to be entering information for the same record
i was on in form 1, but I cannot get code or a macro to work. can anyone
help? Thanks


Why not just have one form with the two sets of controls on two pages of a
tab control?

Ken Sheridan
Stafford, England


Not sure why you would want 2 forms to edit the same record in the same
table, but you would need to save the record on form 1 on the forms
deactivate event,
and then on form 2 activate event, requery, and filter based on the primary
key value of the record,
Me.Filter = "[primaryKey] = " & Forms![form1]![PrimaryKey]
Me.FilterOn = True

or make a query for the recordset of the second form with the criteria of
the primary key to be set to the first forms control and then you would not
need to filter but just requery.

But Ken has a good suggestion about using the tab control

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