2:00 Delay from OE exe to Inbox


George Hitz

Problem: 2:00 delay from clicking msimn.exe to actually seeing the
outlook express inbox repeatable every time. 2:00 gap.

I have brought this problem to the inetexploer.ie6_outlookepress
newsgroup, then windowsxp.messenger newsgroup, then the
24hoursupport.helpdesk - in sequence. Many helpful people, but no
solution so far. I would like to find a solution other than a total
reformat and reinstall of everything.

System: Laptop with W2K Pro SP4 IE6 both with latest updates.

Once OE inbox appears, all works as expected.
No other app appears to have a problem

During the 2:00 gap, CPU usage rattles around 0%

SPC /scannow run, no problems found.

Based on a question I put to the 24 Hour Help Desk group, I found out
about a trace program called NTFILMON

The 2:00 minute gap can clearly be seen. Here are three lines at the
transistion point:

12:36:04 PM msimn.exe:596 CLOSE C:\WINNT\system32\ATL.DLL
12:36:19 PM WINLOGON.EXE:168 READ C:\WINNT\CSC\00000001
SUCCESS Offset: 0 Length: 64
12:38:04 PM msimn.exe:596 OPEN C:\Program Files\Common
Files\System\directdb.dll SUCCESS Options: Open Access: All

I clicked the OE executable at 12:36:04 and the inbox appeared at
12:38:04 ... does anyone recognize the line WINLOGON.EXE:168 and
C:\WINNT\CSC\00000001 ?? Is that a cuprit? or irrelevant?

I have two other working, W2K systems and no such Folder/File exists
as CSC/00000001 on those systems.

Hopefully there are some ideas out there.


Do you have anti-virus software installed on the machine,
especially Norton? If so, completely uninstall it, reboot, and
see if the problem goes away.

George Hitz


Yes, using NAV. I completely uninstalled (via add/remove programs).

No change in the 2:00 gap.


Colon Terminus

George Hitz said:
Problem: 2:00 delay from clicking msimn.exe to actually seeing the
outlook express inbox repeatable every time. 2:00 gap.

I have brought this problem to the inetexploer.ie6_outlookepress
newsgroup, then windowsxp.messenger newsgroup, then the
24hoursupport.helpdesk - in sequence. Many helpful people, but no
solution so far. I would like to find a solution other than a total
reformat and reinstall of everything.

System: Laptop with W2K Pro SP4 IE6 both with latest updates.

Once OE inbox appears, all works as expected.
No other app appears to have a problem

During the 2:00 gap, CPU usage rattles around 0%

SPC /scannow run, no problems found.

Based on a question I put to the 24 Hour Help Desk group, I found out
about a trace program called NTFILMON

The 2:00 minute gap can clearly be seen. Here are three lines at the
transistion point:

12:36:04 PM msimn.exe:596 CLOSE C:\WINNT\system32\ATL.DLL
12:36:19 PM WINLOGON.EXE:168 READ C:\WINNT\CSC\00000001
SUCCESS Offset: 0 Length: 64
12:38:04 PM msimn.exe:596 OPEN C:\Program Files\Common
Files\System\directdb.dll SUCCESS Options: Open Access: All

I clicked the OE executable at 12:36:04 and the inbox appeared at
12:38:04 ... does anyone recognize the line WINLOGON.EXE:168 and
C:\WINNT\CSC\00000001 ?? Is that a cuprit? or irrelevant?

I have two other working, W2K systems and no such Folder/File exists
as CSC/00000001 on those systems.

Hopefully there are some ideas out there.

12:36:19 PM WINLOGON.EXE:168 READ C:\WINNT\CSC\00000001

Here is where OE is busy synchronizing your offline folders. That's what's
taking all the time. Beisdes, one of the biggest complaints about OE6 is
that it takes soo looong to open. Google (Groups) for it and you'll get tens
of thousands of hits.

George Hitz

Thanks for your input but I respectfully disagree.

I basically have all empty folders. On my other machines, I have
literally THOUSANDS of messages in multiple folders and from clicking
the EXE to INBOX in those instances takes a few SECONDS not a few
MINUTES. The broken machine USED to take a few seconds. No, I don't
remember what the event was that occurred causing the change.

Tens of thousands of google hits I have seen and it would be quicker
to reformat and start over than slog through that mess. I am very
close to doing just that.

I was hoping for a solution brought forward by someone who had seen
this problem before.

But thanks for your interest anyway.

Mike Brown - Process Manager

There are programs available that will backup your Outlook Express messages.
This is a little different than the standard way (just copy all the files in
the Store Location, and reopen them from somewhere else.) I would suggest
you backup your messages, uninstall and reinstall IE6 w/OE6, and restore the
messages. I would strongly suspect either a corrupt IDX/DBX file, a bad
sector on the hard drive, or a messed up registry key for some setting in

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