128 characters or more file names.



Does anyone know how to make Windows accept more than 128 character file names?

See my previous post: Error with long file names, after right-clicking.

I have invented a workaround; however, I still would prefer direct Windows support. The work around is as follows:

1. Create a folder, on your C directory, in which the contents of your project will be stored. The name does not have to be descriptive: lets say it's named HW.

2. Create another folder on your C directory, but this time naming it descriptively: Hello World. It will serve as a virtual root of subfolders: it will contain shortcuts to folders within the HW folder. The purpose of Hello World is to provide you with the starting point of virtual, yet intuitive, paths for your folders; you'll understand what that means as you read the subsequent steps.

3. Now we have the infrastructure to build the navigation system for your project. Assume you have a file for the project named "Description of Hello World.doc" and you want to put it within a folder named Documentation.

4. In the HW folder, create a new folder with a trivial numeric name, say 1.

5. In the Hello World folder, create a shortcut to folder 1 that we created in the previous step. Name the shortcut Documentation.

6. Save the Description of Hello World.doc file in folder 1. You can reach folder 1 by first opening Hello World and then opening Documentation, so you don't have to worry about remembering what the file named 1 is for; now you can navigate to the file the way you want.

7. For every folder you want as a direct subfolder of Hello World, create for a folder in HW, with a trivial numerical name, and a corresponding shortcut in Hello World, with a descriptive name.

8. Now, suppose you want a subfolder for the (virtual) folder Documentation, say, called Manual. In the HW folder, create a folder with a trivial numeric name, say, 2. The newly created will serve to hold the contents of the desired Manual folder. In the Description folder (C:\HW\1), create a shortcut to folder 2 and name the shortcut Manual.

As you can see, following the same patterns of the steps above, you can make folder structures as complicated as you want without worrying (much) about violating the character allowance for file names. I will definitely be using the technique of virtual paths; until somebody comes to their senses at Microsoft, that is.

Crusty \(-: Old B@stard :-\)

It is not the file name that is the problem it is the fact that the complete
"path" statement can not be more than 256 characters long!

EX: C:\ My Files bla-bla bla dirty photo.jpg. No more than 256 characters
from start to finish!


Richard Urban

aka Crusty (-: Old B@stard :)

David Candy

The Unicode versions of several functions permit paths that exceed the MAX_PATH length if the path has the "\\?\" prefix. The "\\?\" tells the function to turn off path parsing. However, each component in the path cannot be more than MAX_PATH characters long. Use the "\\?\" prefix with paths for local storage devices and the "\\?\UNC\" prefix with paths having the Universal Naming Convention (UNC) format. The "\\?\" is ignored as part of the path. For example, "\\?\C:\myworld\private" is seen as "C:\myworld\private", and "\\?\UNC\bill_g_1\hotstuff\coolapps" is seen as "\\bill_g_1\hotstuff\coolapps".

It works some places but not others.


=?Utf-8?B?V0FTVEhFQkVTVA==?= said:
Does anyone know how to make Windows accept more than 128 character file names?

Limit your file names for best results when using any OS.

Alex Nichol

Does anyone know how to make Windows accept more than 128 character file names?

See my previous post: Error with long file names, after right-clicking.

The max is 255 - or one or two less. But the other limitation would be
the same length on the full path. A partial workaround is to use the
SUBST command so you can say that for example X:\ means the same as
D:\long path\broken down\but no more\than 250 characters in all\
and use X:\long name up to 250 characters including.extension


Alex Nichol said:
The max is 255 - or one or two less.

I'm pretty sure the max is 255 bytes, not 255 characters. Since Unicode is used for the file paths/names, the maximum length in characters of a file path/name is 255/2. I am basing my conjecture on a count of the number of letters of a path that is unacceptable. Verify and humble me if you wish.


A warning in regards to my workaround:
it will make it difficult for you to copy/delete the actual folders.

Other than that, it has been working great for me.

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