12 columns to 1 data column


Tania Werry

I have an export of budget information from Helmsman with dept, acct,
project & 12 periods of data in columns. My G/L program (Navision) only
takes the import in the following format: acct, dept, project, period,
amount, with each period of information for each account/dept/project as a
separate row.

I've tried doing the transpose function, which won't work in this case,
since it's more than 10,000 rows of info & only 12 columns (besides, I
really want the column headers to repeat for each acct.) I also started
trying to use the pivot table function, but I can't get it to come out the
way it needs to look. Is this something I can only specifically do in
Access or does Excel have another option (or am I missing the boat with the
pivot tables)? I'm stumped. Thanks!


It sounds like maybe the Data > TextToColumns feature might be what would
help you split it back out to 12 columns.

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3

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