11View BATCH image resize---Cannot specify input directory??????


Thomas G. Marshall

11View seems to have a very well thought out set of options regarding its
batch image processing.

But it seems to require me to select a bunch of images first and then
initiate the batch.

Is there anyway for me to select an entire directory (and all its subs) and
have the batch work automatically on all images within?

Adobe Photoshop Elements allows this, but they make the obscene mistake of
not swapping the destination image sizes when the source image orientation
switches to portrait from landscape.

I've seen this a few times--Don't make this mistake:

Dwight: "This thing is wildly available."
Smedly: "Did you mean wildly, or /widely/ ?"
Dwight: "Both!", said while nodding emphatically.

Dwight was exposed to have made a grammatical
error and tries to cover it up by thinking
fast. This is so painfully obvious that he
only succeeds in looking worse.

Thomas G. Marshall

Thomas G. Marshall coughed up:
11View seems to have a very well thought out set of options regarding
its batch image processing.

But it seems to require me to select a bunch of images first and then
initiate the batch.

Is there anyway for me to select an entire directory (and all its
subs) and have the batch work automatically on all images within?

Adobe Photoshop Elements allows this, but they make the obscene
mistake of not swapping the destination image sizes when the source
image orientation switches to portrait from landscape.

Update: I found out that 11view *does* allow you to specify the starting
directory, but it IMO is not at all clear. Having a lot of GUI design under
my belt, I have to say that it is not at all clear.

This is an apply to: drop down box that you can choose to say all files in
directory and sub directory, etc., but IMO it looks like it applies to
something other than the input files.

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