110 Free Microsoft Tools


Bjorn Simonsen


Gabriele Neukam


Bjorn Simonsen

Wald wrote in said:
It is *so* damn unbelievable that they provide this in Excel format XLS
files. Open standards, anyone?

Agree of course.

(Fwiw: For those without Excel (me included): Open Office, and I am
sure many other spreadsheet apps, can read XLS...and there is also a
free Excel 2003 viewer by MS at:

if the above long url wraps, try:

warning, the Excel 2003 viwer download is aprox 10mb. The former
viewer for Excel 97/2000 is smaller (but not small) 4mb, but MS no
longer host it AFAIK. Googling for it provides several 3.party d/l
links though, among them
<http://www.cmacademy.org/db/faculty/ExcelViewerStudents> )

All the best,
Bjorn Simonsen


Or even download Spread32 to view spreadsheet files:

That's really really besides the point. XLS is a proprietary, closed
format that is only fully viewable with the proprietary commercial
product that Excel is.

Information in these file formats is inherently inaccessible, and we can
only view them because the developers of free tools (like OpenOffice,
....) have invested a lot of time *guessing* part of the file format
structure. Even if we currently have a reasonable way of viewing these
files, in principle they are to be avoided if we want the information to
be universally accessible, which after all it should be.

In this specific case, providing XLS files is even more bizarre since the
information can just as well, and even better, be presented in a simple
HTML file. HTML is an open standard and can be viewed by anyone with a

Some of you might think I'm making too big of a deal out of this, but
IMHO this is quite important (and I'm not alone). It's the same situation
that has made website development a real pain in the ass, simply because
of Internet Explorer's non-compliance to web standards.

Anyway, I hope I made some point :)



Fran said:
What exactly is the open standard for spreadsheets?

*The* open standard is a bit of a strong word, but currently that would be
the OpenDocument format. OpenOffice will use this format by default in the
future, and it is already available in the current version 2 betas.

However, in this case, the information presented does not need a
spreadsheet format, it's just text and clickable links. These people should
have used simple HTML documents to store the information, resulting in
smaller file sizes and better accessibility.



Mel said:
Whining here does not good,

I was hoping to make some people aware of the issues involved. But
OK, I'll stop whining for now.
if you really want to do some good
complain to the author of the documents.

That's obviously true, and I did send feedback to the PCW people.
Now let's wait and see if it actually does any good.



*Wald* :
It is *so* damn unbelievable that they provide this in Excel
format XLS files. Open standards, anyone?


They're MS's free tools... so the list is in MS's format :)


I was hoping to make some people aware of the issues involved. But
OK, I'll stop whining for now.

You are allowed a little whine every now and then Wald. :)
It is potentially a very important subject. Keep up the good work.

Bjorn Simonsen

bambam wrote in said:
You are allowed a little whine every now and then Wald. :)
It is potentially a very important subject. Keep up the good work.

Agree, important subject. Thanks to Wald for taking the time. May seem
like fighting windmills, but if at least one person learned something
new in this thread. And for we all we know that person may turn out
the next "open standards advocate" to make a big difference, or more
likely but no less important; will make more informed/better choices
in the future.

All the best,
Bjorn Simonsen

Egwig the Fit

bambam said:
You are allowed a little whine every now and then Wald. :)
It is potentially a very important subject. Keep up the good work.

Well said, Bam.



Wald said:
It is *so* damn unbelievable that they provide this in Excel format XLS
files. Open standards, anyone?


here's a free app that you can view the xls files with. It's small, just
781.6 kb, no installation required and is a standalone. I just tried and
it works.

XLS Read Write

XLS Read Write is two native Delphi components, TXLSRead and TXLSWrite
designed for accessing microsoft Excel XLS files. There is no need for any
other files to be installed, including Excel.

With XLS Read Write can you:

* Read Excel XLS 2.1, 3.0, 4.0 worksheet files and Excel XLS 5.0, 95,
97, 2000 workbook files.
* Access all sheets in workbook files.
* Receive all text, numbers, etc. you can write in a cell, including
* Read cell formatting information (font, cell color, border, etc.).
* Seek function for fast access to single cells.
* Write Excel XLS 4.0 worksheet files and Excel XLS 5.0/ 95/ 97/ 2000
workbook files (with any number of sheets in it).
* Easy to write formulas, just as strings: "SUM(A1:A10) / B2 +
* Write cell formatting (font, cell color, border, etc.).
* FAST! Write more than 100,000 cells in less than two seconds!

Name of the files is axxlsrw.zip


The following is from the "manual file":

XLSReadWrite is free to use for non-commercial use.
For commercial usage, XLSReadWrite costs US $30, including full source


John Corliss

Wald said:
It is *so* damn unbelievable that they provide this in Excel format XLS
files. Open standards, anyone?

Probably a stupid question, but won't the free Microsoft Excel Viewer
2003 (I dont' have it installed, so I don't know) open it?


(link may wrap)

Regards from John Corliss
I don't reply to trolls.
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shareware, spyware, time-limited software, trialware, viruses or warez

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