1 website for all monitors and resolutions




I am a newbie to website design and have every product available to perform
this task however Frontpage is the easiest for me to work with. I have done a
lot of reading on newsgroups and google on :
How to get a website to fit 800 X 600 and 1024 X 768 (autoresize itself) so
that there is no horizontal scroll bar.
There are two methonds of which I do not know where to begin with both
1) use CSS
2) use percentages and table.
Please could someone explain how to do the tables and%. I understand the
theory but dont have a clue what to do with Frontpage to achieve this.
Currently I have a website design in 1024 and it does not resize for 800 X
600. I have used layers which I am thinking is not correct. Please I need
help making a website that will fit all resolutions.
Thanks for helping the Newb!!
Thanks again

Andrew Murray

In the table properties, specify the width by typing the value in the
"width" box, and click the radio button labelled "percent".

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