> 0



I've got a query where it is supposed to return all
records where the Deadline is greater than 0. (Under
deadline is a negative number, over is positive) What I'm
getting is everything BUT 0, as in I'll get records that
have 1, 2, -9, -22...see, I don't know why I'm getting
negatives if I'm asking for >0.
The criteria looks like this:
[Overdue/Under-Deadline Days]>"0"
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance for your help.



From the looks of your criteria I'd say the field is set up as a text field
and should be set up as a numeric field. That just might be the cause of
your problem.

Bas Cost Budde

Gee said:
I've got a query where it is supposed to return all
records where the Deadline is greater than 0. (Under
deadline is a negative number, over is positive) What I'm
getting is everything BUT 0, as in I'll get records that
have 1, 2, -9, -22...see, I don't know why I'm getting
negatives if I'm asking for >0.
The criteria looks like this:
[Overdue/Under-Deadline Days]>"0"

You are testing for any strings that follow, alphabetically sorted,
after 0. Unfortunately that is all numbers, and the hyphen.


[Overdue/Under-Deadline Days]>0


YEP! That was exactly it! Thank you!
-----Original Message-----

From the looks of your criteria I'd say the field is set up as a text field
and should be set up as a numeric field. That just might be the cause of
your problem.

I've got a query where it is supposed to return all
records where the Deadline is greater than 0. (Under
deadline is a negative number, over is positive) What I'm
getting is everything BUT 0, as in I'll get records that
have 1, 2, -9, -22...see, I don't know why I'm getting
negatives if I'm asking for >0.
The criteria looks like this:
[Overdue/Under-Deadline Days]>"0"
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance for your help.



The clue is in

[Overdue/Under-Deadline Days]>"0"

The quotes infer that your are dealing with a text value
and not a number and the comparison is not numeric.

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