Zune Update



I'm wondering if anyone can help me here. In Windows update I had the
computer download the Zune software update for Windows Vista. I need this
to be able to use my Zune with this computer. I'm trying to get my Zune to
work and if I use the CD that came with my Zune, it won't install it on
Windows Vista (Says it isn't compatable with this version of Windows).
Anyway, after downloading the update when the computer went to install it, I
get a failed window with an error code 634. Anyone know what this error
code means and what I can do to correct it? I really would like to get my
Zune working correctly on my computer as I have gotten rid of my other
computer that had XP on it and ran that program. Any help would be
appreciated, I'm really flustered as I have no idea what the 634 means


dont know, sorry. Try running it as administrator (right click > chose run as

Ive fixed a lot of problems that way myself.


Problem is, I haven't actually downloaded the file and have it anywhere that
I have access to it, it's running through Windows update. I have to have
Windows Update install it....Every time it tries I get that 634 Error.
Really upsetting as I need this for my device!


Sell the Zune on e-bay. Get an iPod.

Oh wait. iPod doesn't work on Vista either. Ummmm.. Get an MP3 player and
skip DRM all together. They always work.


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