Zip Error when linked


J. Lok

I'm having problems regarding Zip codes from a linked table. Every zip code
containing 4-5 digits were displayed as #Num!. I've tried changing its format
but its still useless. Can someone help me with this? I'm stuck with this
problem for two days already. Thanks!

Tom Wickerath

Hi J. Lok,

The first thing I would try doing is to delete the table link in the FE
application, compact this database, and then re-establish the link from
scratch using File | Get External Data... | Linked tables.

If this field is indexed, you might want to open the BE database, delete the
index, compact the database, and re-establish the index. Then do the above
steps, since you always want to completely refresh the link any time you make
design changes in the BE database.

Tom Wickerath
Microsoft Access MVP

J. Lok

Hi Tom,

Thanks for your reply, though it didn't help me. Here is how my database
poject work. First, I need to make a table through Get External Data > Linked
Table from an Excel spreadsheet then change the fields for the table to match
the pre-made Form. Now here is the problem, in the Table and Form, The Zip
will be displayed as "#Num!". I hope you can understand my explanation. Its
somewhat difficult for me now beacause its already driving me nuts.

Tom Wickerath

Hi J. Lok,

You hadn't mentioned Excel spreadsheet before, so I think I know what is
going on now....the import wizard is looking at some of the data in your zip
code column and deciding that it is numeric. Try opening the spreadsheet and
inserting a leading apostrophe (') into the first few cells that contain zip
code data. Then try re-linking.

Also, see this KB article:

ACC2000: #Num Appears in Linked Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet

Note: Disregard the "ACC2000:" part in the title, as this KB article applies
equally well to other versions of Access.

Tom Wickerath
Microsoft Access MVP

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