You Copied a Large Amount of Data onto the Clipboard




I have a form with a subform. There is a lot of I/O happening when the value
of a text box changes on the form. When I close out the form I get the
message "You Copied a Large Amount of Data onto the Clipboard".

I would like to suppress this message but have been unable to do so. I tried
the Form_Error event but the code doesn't go there. I put a breakpoint in the
Close Event and the message appeared after the Close Event but did not get to
the Form_Error event.

Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated :)


Graham Mandeno

Hi Rita

Here is some code to clear the clipboard. Paste this code into a new module

========= start ==========
Option Explicit

Private Declare Function OpenClipboard Lib "user32" _
(ByVal hWnd As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function CloseClipboard Lib "user32" () As Long
Private Declare Function EmptyClipboard Lib "user32" () As Long

Public Sub ClipboardClear()
Call OpenClipboard(0&)
End Sub
======== end ==========

Now, in your Form_Unload event, simply call ClipboardClear.


Fanatstic! It worked beautifully.
I had searched Google for a response and there was one but I would have had
to sign up for a subscription to get the answer.

Thank you so much Graham.

Graham Mandeno said:
Hi Rita

Here is some code to clear the clipboard. Paste this code into a new module

========= start ==========
Option Explicit

Private Declare Function OpenClipboard Lib "user32" _
(ByVal hWnd As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function CloseClipboard Lib "user32" () As Long
Private Declare Function EmptyClipboard Lib "user32" () As Long

Public Sub ClipboardClear()
Call OpenClipboard(0&)
End Sub
======== end ==========

Now, in your Form_Unload event, simply call ClipboardClear.
Good Luck!

Graham Mandeno [Access MVP]
Auckland, New Zealand

RitaG said:

I have a form with a subform. There is a lot of I/O happening when the
of a text box changes on the form. When I close out the form I get the
message "You Copied a Large Amount of Data onto the Clipboard".

I would like to suppress this message but have been unable to do so. I
the Form_Error event but the code doesn't go there. I put a breakpoint in
Close Event and the message appeared after the Close Event but did not get
the Form_Error event.

Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated :)


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