Years and Weeks



I would like to type an employee's start date and today's date and then have in another cell tell me how many years and weeks that employee worked. Can I do this?

Paul B

Michael, have a look here
Paul B
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Using Excel 97 & 2000
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Michael said:
I would like to type an employee's start date and today's date and then
have in another cell tell me how many years and weeks that employee worked.
Can I do this?


= Int((DateLast - DateFirst) / 365.25) & ":" & Int(((DateLast - DateFirst) /
365.25 - Int((DateLast - DateFirst) / 365.25)) * 12)

Michael said:
I would like to type an employee's start date and today's date and then
have in another cell tell me how many years and weeks that employee worked.
Can I do this?

Ron Rosenfeld

I would like to type an employee's start date and today's date and then have in another cell tell me how many years and weeks that employee worked. Can I do this?

=DATEDIF(B20,TODAY(),"y")&" yrs and "&
INT(DATEDIF(B20,TODAY(),"yd")/7)&" weeks"

Will give the number of whole years and full weeks since the employment date
(with the employment date in B20).

If you want to round the weeks to the closest, change the INT function to


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