Year to Year Sales Data Sort



We have two sets of data in the same spreadsheet.
First set is 2004 Sales, column A Customer, Column B Sales Volume.
Second set is 2003 Sales, Column E Customer, Column F Sales Volume.

We want to sort the data by customer as a year to year comparison.

Example: Search 2003 Sales Column E and find the match in Column A,
then copy the value in Column F in Column C next to the Column B value.

We hope this makes sense. We tried VLOOKUP and not much luck.

Happy Thanksgiving!



why not in column c - row 2 for example?


this will work if there is one exact match in column e for customer in
column a

if there is more than one exact match in column e try


Myrna Larson

Another option is to add a column which gives the year, say in C put 2004, in
G put 2003. Then copy the 2003 data (columns E:G) below columns A:C to make a
single, 3-column list. Be sure you have headers in the first row: Customer,
Sales, Year. Then create a pivot table with Customer as a row field, Year as a
column field, sum of Sales as a data field.

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