Yahoo webmail: can't empty folders or delete mail


Timothy Daniels

I recently installed extensive security updates to
my WinXP Pro and MS Office XP and then
installed MS Visual Studio Pro. Now, whenever
I try to empty the Trash folder or delete individual
emails in Yahoo webmail accounts with either IE or
Opera, I get an error box that says access is denied
and it lists an error line and asks me if I want to debug.
Is this a bug in Yahoo webmail or in the MS software?



Timothy Daniels said:
I recently installed extensive security updates to
my WinXP Pro and MS Office XP and then
installed MS Visual Studio Pro. Now, whenever
I try to empty the Trash folder or delete individual
emails in Yahoo webmail accounts with either IE or
Opera, I get an error box that says access is denied
and it lists an error line and asks me if I want to debug.
Is this a bug in Yahoo webmail or in the MS software?


Are you using the new Yahoo Mail beta or the old version?


Are you using the new Yahoo Mail beta or the old version?

Why does it matter which version of yahoo mail he was using??

It's a yahoo issue, of course...



RedForeman said:
Why does it matter which version of yahoo mail he was using??

because, there are some problems with the Beta version which are cured by
reverting to the old version.
That's why. This one might be one of them. That's WHY.

Timothy Daniels

Gordon said:
Are you using the new Yahoo Mail beta or the old version?

I'm using the old (non-beta) version of Yahoo Mail.
I can delete from the Inbox, but I can't get Empty or
Delete to work on the Trash and Bulk folders.

I've checked the Custom Level security options in IE,
and it just about enables everything in the way of
scripts. Something changed in the recent updates to
the MS software and/or the installation of Visual Studio.



Timothy Daniels

Unfortunately, those provide canned answers to common
problems and How-To's. The Yahoo Search function
doesn't help much, either.



Timothy Daniels said:
I'm using the old (non-beta) version of Yahoo Mail.
I can delete from the Inbox, but I can't get Empty or
Delete to work on the Trash and Bulk folders.

I've checked the Custom Level security options in IE,
and it just about enables everything in the way of
scripts. Something changed in the recent updates to
the MS software and/or the installation of Visual Studio.



Could you install Firefox and see if you get the same result?

Timothy Daniels

It turned out that it had to do with blocking pop-ups.
With both browsers, with po-up blocking set to its
highest level, the access errors occurred. With the
pop-up blocking backed off a notch, the Delete
and Empty functions at Yahoo's webmail work for
both browsers.


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