yahoo messenger


quy nguyen

I have yahoo messenger in my PC. I used it for years. Last week it stop working somehow. I do not know why. When I click on the program, nothing appear. I try to download and install it back but it fails installation. Do you know what reason is? How do I recover it. I did try to recover the system but it does still not work. Thanks

Curt Christianson

Contact Yahoo for support.


Windows Support Center
Practically Nerded,...

I have yahoo messenger in my PC. I used it for years. Last week it stop
working somehow. I do not know why. When I click on the program, nothing
appear. I try to download and install it back but it fails installation. Do
you know what reason is? How do I recover it. I did try to recover the
system but it does still not work. Thanks

Newbie Coder


Yahoo technical support are absolutely useless!!

What I suggest you do is this:

Program Files\Yahoo\Messenger\Profiles & backup your profile

Uninstall Yahoo Messenger

Reboot & delete the YAHOO folder in Program Files

Download & install the messenger again, which should work this time, run the
messenger, close it, copy your profile again.

If you download it, it creates an installer folder under Program Files\Yahoo &
copy it out there before installing so you can just run the application if need

Let me know how you get on

Newbie Coder
(It's just a name)

I have yahoo messenger in my PC. I used it for years. Last week it stop working
somehow. I do not know why. When I click on the program, nothing appear. I try
to download and install it back but it fails installation. Do you know what
reason is? How do I recover it. I did try to recover the system but it does
still not work. Thanks

Curt Christianson

it's really hard to tell an OP that in "some cases" the tech dept. almost
non-existent for support.. and sometimes these are products we pay hard
earned, scrimped, asking that they perform as promised, or begin the get
your **it together and provide and product support that works.

I spent too may years in sales to know you don't have to have the best
price/.Delivery and quality product and on a timely basis, and you won have
the sales battle.

Unfortunately not enough Americans insist on quality, and we more than
willing pay the planned obsolescence built into most every product today
become a disposable good for a land fill.


Windows Support Center
Practically Nerded,...

| Quy,
| Yahoo technical support are absolutely useless!!
| What I suggest you do is this:
| Program Files\Yahoo\Messenger\Profiles & backup your profile
| Uninstall Yahoo Messenger
| Reboot & delete the YAHOO folder in Program Files
| Download & install the messenger again, which should work this time, run
| messenger, close it, copy your profile again.
| If you download it, it creates an installer folder under Program
Files\Yahoo &
| copy it out there before installing so you can just run the application if
| be.
| Let me know how you get on
| --
| Newbie Coder
| (It's just a name)
| | I have yahoo messenger in my PC. I used it for years. Last week it stop
| somehow. I do not know why. When I click on the program, nothing appear. I
| to download and install it back but it fails installation. Do you know
| reason is? How do I recover it. I did try to recover the system but it
| still not work. Thanks


بتاريخ الاثنين، 13 أغسطس، 2007 UTC+3 7:17:42 م، كتب quy nguyen:

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