XYscatter chart source



I am trying to set the x & y source data ranges for a SYScatter chart in VBA.
I use the following code to create the chart, but the x values are not used
for the x-axis (the automatic x-axis is 1,2,3...n).
ActiveChart.SetSourceData Source:=ActiveSheet.Range(Y_rngStr), _
With ActiveSheet.ChartObjects(1).Chart
.ChartType = xlXYScatter
I have tried everything I can think of and variations of previous newsgroup
questions/answers without success. Any suggestions would be appreciated!

Mike Middleton

Mitch -

It might be helpful to know exactly what you have tried, and it might be
helpful to provide a longer snippet of your code, etc.

For example, even if your code is OK, if any of the cells in the X range are
text instead of numbers, Excel uses 1,2,3,... for the X values.

- Mike

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