XPe Build Version


Sean Horvath

Just curious if anyone know if there is a way to put the build date on the
desktop of XPe image.

I have seen that you can turn on HKCU\Control Panel\PaintDesktopVersion to
1, but we are looking at using something like that with the build create

If using a program like WinVNC to view an embedded OS, it turns the desktop
off for speed, so we cannot put a desktop image for the background.

Using PaintDesktopVersion works through VNC but it does not give us any
informations as to its build date.




Since PaintDesktopVersion does not work for and you want to have a build date on the Desktop you can do one of the following:
- Write your own app that will draw some text directly on the desktop. The app can read the build date from a registry value.
The app code would be very simple.
- Created a dummy icon on the Desktop that has a name with the build date in it. You can even automated the icon creation in TD
(use shortcut resource, e.g.) by leveraging CMI functionality (forget this note if you don't know anything about CMI).
- Use LocalizedString REG_EXPAND_SZ registry string value to add the build date (or whatever you need to add) to the "My
Computer" namespace shortcut name on the Desktop. More details on the registry path you can find here:

These are just what first came to my mind. There may be more and more possible ways of implementing what you want.

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