XP won't boot past blue windows xp screen



Help! I am unable to get past the blue windows xp screen! I know my computer is working because I can access my shared folders from other computers in my home network. We have tried to (f8) and then restore back to the previous successful boot and then tried to run it in safe mode but we had no success.

Fyi - I had installed a palm program for my new Zire 72 then all let loose!

Any suggestions?



When troubleshooting any crash, it helps to look at any changes you have
made to your system that may be related to the timing of the issue (eg:
Hardware installed, software, downloaded programs) Also, if I am
understanding the way you word your post, you are NOT able to boot into safe
mode and *Run* that way successfully?


"Knows enough to be dangerous" <Knows enough to be
(e-mail address removed)> wrote in message
Help! I am unable to get past the blue windows xp screen! I know my
computer is working because I can access my shared folders from other
computers in my home network. We have tried to (f8) and then restore back to
the previous successful boot and then tried to run it in safe mode but we
had no success.


Have you tried to uninstall the Palm program, and possibly the Zire 72,
either from normal, or safe mode?


"Knows enough to be dangerous" <Knows enough to be
(e-mail address removed)> wrote in message


4 Months old...Ouch...Sorry I couldn't help. Sounds like you've done
everything at your end. Just for the info, what make is your 4 month old?
Did it come with recovery disks, or a partitian? Sounds like you're in for a
Repair installation, or worse case, format and reinstall may be the only
option. You did a very smart thing by copying the files. I back up all new
data, pics, emails, etc., once a month, every month. Good luck.


"Knows enough to be dangerous"
I wish. Since we are unable to get past the xp window we haven't been able
to do that. If I could, I would. I don't know if my husband has tried to get
through the network to do that. I will ask.
My computer only stays connected for a while then looses its connection.
At least I copied all my files to another computer in our house. If I have
to reformat or return the computer all is not lost. The computer is only 4
months old.


I have an HP. We only purchased it because we had a rebate from Costco and they don't carry a lot of brands. It didn't come with any disks! It kept asking me to make a recovery disk and guess what!? I didn't! Live and learn!

It does have a recovery drive though. I am going to let my husband deal with this. I am lucky that I was able to copy my files. I also have a backup program that burns onto a DVD nightly. I should be okay with my data, all my program files that I really care about (Outlook, Quickbooks, Quicken) go to one directory and I was able to copy that too! I know that I am better off than alot of people out there. I just don't want to go through the hassel of reloading all my programs.

Thanks for your help. Happy 4th of July.


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