XP Won't Boot and i want to save my docs before i reinstall



My XP doesn't want to boot up and i've already tried a repair
installation with no success. I want to reinstall windows but i
certainly do not want to lose all my data in my documents. Is there any
way to reinstally windows without losing that data or is there a way to
access that folder and perhaps move it so it doesn't get erased?


Hello droger; hope this helps. F8 SafeMode

Running System Restore in Safe Mode

Running system restore in safe mode to recover a non-booting system
If you have system restore enabled on your system, you may still run
into problems with software or bad drivers. If your Windows XP
installation will not boot normally, how do you get to your restore
You can go to the most recent one by using the 'last known good
configuration (your most recent settings that worked)' option in the
Windows advanced options menu, but if that doesn't fix your problem,
how do you get at earlier restore points? I think you can guess the
answer... Safe Mode!
The system restore utility can be accessed in safe mode and used to
restore any previous restore point. Simply restart XP in safe mode and
go to 'start\all programs \ accessories \ system tools \ system
restore' then follow the instructions to restore your system to the
point of your choice.
An Alternative is How to start the System Restore tool at a command
prompt in Windows XP

Also to prevent future panics like this for you I recommend backing up
your data on a regular basis. Most people think about backing up data
about 10 minutes after it's too late to do any good. If you realize
that you really need a good backup program after your hard disk crashes
or your teenager decides to clear out some of your files to make room
for new music downloads, you're setting yourself up for a data
disaster. Are you prepared to lose your e-mail address book (and all
your messages)? What would you do if your entire collection of digital
photos disappeared tomorrow in a puff of electrons? Do you have backup
copies of your electronically-filed tax return or your crucial
Fortunately, backing up your essential files is neither difficult nor
time-consuming. In fact, the whole process can take as little as 10
minutes a week, and you can let Windows XP do most of the work....
Please read for more information

How to start the System Restore tool at a command prompt in Windows XP

How do I get into safe mode?

RBS "Quick Fixes for Windows XP"


Thanks for the help. i used a boot disk and just moved my files using
the software on that disk. I didn't even realize i had the disk until

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