XP Windows updates not happening



I noticed today that updates are not being downloaded automatically to my
I checked the settings, and everything is set to receive automatically.
(Last update was Feb 19, 05!). I went through the Microsoft website, and
attempted the scan to see what updates are recommended for my computer. Got
the error message 0x80072EE2. A search has failed to turn up anything. Any

Tom Porterfield

I noticed today that updates are not being downloaded automatically to my
I checked the settings, and everything is set to receive automatically.
(Last update was Feb 19, 05!). I went through the Microsoft website, and
attempted the scan to see what updates are recommended for my computer. Got
the error message 0x80072EE2. A search has failed to turn up anything. Any

See if the info in this KB article is relevant:

You receive an "Error 0x80072EE2" or "Error 0x80072EFD" error message when
you try to use Windows Update

If not, check your c:\windows\windowsupdate.log file. It should contain
additional information on what is failing and why. If unclear, post the
errors from that file.

You might also try deleting the contents of
Tom Porterfield
MS-MVP Windows

Please post all follow-ups to the newsgroup only.

Torgeir Bakken \(MVP\)

Happy said:
I noticed today that updates are not being downloaded automatically
to my computer.
I checked the settings, and everything is set to receive
automatically. (Last update was Feb 19, 05!). I went through the
Microsoft website, and attempted the scan to see what updates are
recommended for my computer. Got the error message 0x80072EE2. A
search has failed to turn up anything. Any thoughts?

You receive an "Error 0x80072EE2" or "Initialization Error 0x80072F76"
error message when you try to use Windows Update

If you have Sygate firewall or something similar, this thread
may be relevant:

If nothing of the above works:

Rename (or just delete) the SoftwareDistribution folder and
see if it helps.

You can use the procedure described here:


Note that a side effect of renaming or deleting the SoftwareDistribution
folder is that you lose your WU v5 History listing (not critical).

(later on, you can just delete the renamed SoftwareDistribution


Took awhile to get back to this-- but here are the error messages in the
c:\windows\windowsupdate.log file. There are pages like this, of one variety
or another, because of the continued attempts to update by the automatic
system. Hope I'm not too late getting back to this, I have been away. If so,
I will re-post.

80072ee2 AutomaticUpdates Failure Software Synchronization Error: Agent
failed detecting with reason: 0x80072ee2
2005-06-19 18:55:02-0300 19500 57b8 Out of proc datastore is shutting down
2005-06-19 18:55:03-0300 19500 57b8 Out of proc datastore is now inactive
2005-06-19 18:55:37-0300 1040 9f8 AU received event of 1
2005-06-19 18:55:37-0300 1040 9f8 Unable to detect updates for more than 48
2005-06-19 18:55:42-0300 1040 500 REPORT EVENT:
{0988437B-5422-4F8E-8356-D2A1685549BF} 956 2005-06-19 18:55:37-0300 1 149
102 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 0 AutomaticUpdates Failure
Software Synchronization Unable to Connect: Windows is unable to connect to
the automatic updates service and therefore cannot download and install
updates according to the set schedule. Windows will continue to try to
establish a connection.
2005-06-19 21:44:44-0300 21592 5238 Trying to make out of proc datastore
2005-06-19 21:44:44-0300 21592 5238 Out of proc datastore is now active
2005-06-19 21:44:44-0300 1040 5688 WU client succeeds
2005-06-19 21:44:46-0300 1040 754 WU client succeeds
2005-06-19 21:44:52-0300 20640 4dd4 Checking for different Redirector at:
2005-06-19 21:44:53-0300 20640 4dd4 WinInet: Successfully downloaded
http://download.windowsupdate.com/msdownload/update/v5/redir/wuredir.cab to
2005-06-19 21:44:53-0300 20640 4dd4 Successfully refreshed Redirector cab.
2005-06-19 21:44:53-0300 20640 4dd4 WinInet: Server file is not newer.
Skipping download.
2005-06-19 21:44:54-0300 20640 4dd4 WinInet: Download speed is 14099212
2005-06-19 21:44:54-0300 20640 4dd4 WinInet: Successfully downloaded
http://v5.windowsupdate.microsoft.com/SelfUpdate/AU/x86/XP/en/wusetup.cab to
file C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\WebSetup\wusetup.cab
2005-06-19 21:44:54-0300 20640 4dd4 Loading inf file
2005-06-19 21:44:54-0300 20640 4dd4 Section name: cdm: Index: 0
2005-06-19 21:44:54-0300 20640 4dd4 Section name: iuengine: Index: 1
2005-06-19 21:44:54-0300 20640 4dd4 Section name: wuapi: Index: 2
2005-06-19 21:44:54-0300 20640 4dd4 Section name: wuauclt: Index: 3
2005-06-19 21:44:54-0300 20640 4dd4 Section name: wuauclt1: Index: 4
2005-06-19 21:44:54-0300 20640 4dd4 Section name: wuaucpl: Index: 5
2005-06-19 21:44:54-0300 20640 4dd4 Section name: wuaueng_WebSetup: Index: 6
2005-06-19 21:44:54-0300 20640 4dd4 Section name: wuaueng1: Index: 7
2005-06-19 21:44:54-0300 20640 4dd4 Section name: wuauserv_WebSetup: Index:
2005-06-19 21:44:54-0300 20640 4dd4 Section name: wucltui: Index: 9
2005-06-19 21:44:54-0300 20640 4dd4 Section name: wups: Index: 10
2005-06-19 21:44:54-0300 20640 4dd4 Section name: winhttp: Index: 11
2005-06-19 21:44:54-0300 20640 4dd4 Required Version for binary
C:\WINDOWS\system32\cdm.dll is: 5,5,3790,2182
2005-06-19 21:44:54-0300 20640 4dd4 Binary: C:\WINDOWS\system32\cdm.dll:
Target version: 5.5.3790.2182 Required: 5.5.3790.2182
2005-06-19 21:44:54-0300 20640 4dd4 Required Version for binary
C:\WINDOWS\system32\iuengine.dll is: 5,4,3790,2182
2005-06-19 21:44:54-0300 20640 4dd4 Binary:
C:\WINDOWS\system32\iuengine.dll: Target version: 5.4.3790.2182 Required:
2005-06-19 21:44:54-0300 20640 4dd4 Required Version for binary
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuapi.dll is: 5,4,3790,2182
2005-06-19 21:44:54-0300 20640 4dd4 Binary: C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuapi.dll:
Target version: 5.4.3790.2182 Required: 5.4.3790.2182
2005-06-19 21:44:54-0300 20640 4dd4 Required Version for binary
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuauclt.exe is: 5,4,3790,2182
2005-06-19 21:44:54-0300 20640 4dd4 Binary: C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuauclt.exe:
Target version: 5.4.3790.2182 Required: 5.4.3790.2182
2005-06-19 21:44:54-0300 20640 4dd4 Required Version for binary
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuauclt1.exe is: 5,4,3790,2182
2005-06-19 21:44:54-0300 20640 4dd4 Binary:
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuauclt1.exe: Target version: 5.4.3790.2182 Required:
2005-06-19 21:44:54-0300 20640 4dd4 Required Version for binary
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuaucpl.cpl is: 5,4,3790,2182
2005-06-19 21:44:54-0300 20640 4dd4 Binary: C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuaucpl.cpl:
Target version: 5.4.3790.2182 Required: 5.4.3790.2182
2005-06-19 21:44:54-0300 20640 4dd4 Required Version for binary
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuaueng.dll is: 5,4,3790,2182
2005-06-19 21:44:54-0300 20640 4dd4 Binary: C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuaueng.dll:
Target version: 5.4.3790.2182 Required: 5.4.3790.2182
2005-06-19 21:44:54-0300 20640 4dd4 Required Version for binary
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuaueng1.dll is: 5,4,3790,2182
2005-06-19 21:44:54-0300 20640 4dd4 Binary:
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuaueng1.dll: Target version: 5.4.3790.2182 Required:
2005-06-19 21:44:54-0300 20640 4dd4 Required Version for binary
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wucltui.dll is: 5,4,3790,2182
2005-06-19 21:44:54-0300 20640 4dd4 Binary: C:\WINDOWS\system32\wucltui.dll:
Target version: 5.4.3790.2182 Required: 5.4.3790.2182
2005-06-19 21:44:54-0300 20640 4dd4 Required Version for binary
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wups.dll is: 5,4,3790,2182
2005-06-19 21:44:54-0300 20640 4dd4 Binary: C:\WINDOWS\system32\wups.dll:
Target version: 5.4.3790.2182 Required: 5.4.3790.2182
2005-06-19 21:45:04-0300 1040 754 WU client succeeds
CClientCallRecorder::BeginFindUpdates from WindowsUpdate with call id
2005-06-19 21:45:04-0300 1040 500 WU client executing call
{C1D2B77A-258F-463B-B29F-A5CEEF3B8967} of type Search Call
2005-06-19 21:45:05-0300 1040 500 PT: Using serverID
2005-06-19 21:45:05-0300 1040 500 PT: Using server URL
2005-06-19 21:45:05-0300 1040 500 PT: Calling GetConfig on server
2005-06-19 21:45:05-0300 1040 500 Add header for accept-encoding: xpress
2005-06-19 21:46:19-0300 1040 500 Send failed with hr = 80072ee2.
2005-06-19 21:46:19-0300 1040 500 SendRequest failed with hr = 80072ee2.
Proxy List used: <(null)> Bypass List used : <(null)>
2005-06-19 21:46:19-0300 1040 500 GetConfig: 0x80072ee2
2005-06-19 21:46:19-0300 1040 500 PT: Cannot recover from fault,
origin=GetConfig, hr=0x80072ee2
2005-06-19 21:46:19-0300 1040 500 Sync of Updates: 0x80072ee2
2005-06-19 21:46:19-0300 1040 500 WU client failed Searching for update with
error 0x80072ee2
2005-06-19 21:46:19-0300 1040 500 WU client calls back to search call
WindowsUpdate with code Call failed and error 0x80072ee2
2005-06-19 21:46:19-0300 1040 500 WU client completed and deleted call
2005-06-19 21:46:19-0300 20640 4dd4 Operation completed due to earlier
error. (hr=80072EE2)
2005-06-19 21:46:19-0300 20640 4dd4 Unable to complete asynchronous search
successfully. (hr=80072EE2)
2005-06-19 21:46:24-0300 1040 5688 Setting AU Approval Type to 4
2005-06-19 21:46:24-0300 1040 5688 Setting Install Schedule Day to 0
2005-06-19 21:46:24-0300 1040 5688 Setting Install Schedule Time to 3
2005-06-19 21:46:24-0300 1040 5688 AU Options changed through user
2005-06-19 21:46:24-0300 1040 5688 AU settings changed through User
2005-06-19 21:46:24-0300 1040 5688 Setting AU scheduled install time to
2005-06-20 06:00:00
2005-06-19 21:46:24-0300 1040 500 REPORT EVENT:
{CCC5A695-60E2-40AB-A6E9-CA1E30860E07} 957 2005-06-19 21:46:19-0300 1 148
101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 80072ee2 WindowsUpdate Failure
Software Synchronization Error: Agent failed detecting with reason:
2005-06-19 21:46:24-0300 1040 500 Created new event cache file at
for writing.

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