XP to Win7



When Win7 is released, will I be able to reinstall Win7 on my system if my
system crash, or do I have to buy another license?


You wont be able to install any other o/s unless you purchase the
appropriate new version, as has allways been the way

Shenan Stanley

titus12 said:
When Win7 is released, will I be able to reinstall Win7 on my
system if my system crash, or do I have to buy another license?


Are you asking, "If I purchase an upgrade edition of 'Windows 7' when it is
released and upgrade my Windows XP and then later, something happens and I
need to install from scratch - will I be able to do this with the license I
purchased to upgrade Windows XP originally to 'Windows 7'?"

If so - no one can tell you with any certainty - as that's the future and
this is now. However - as long as you keep your Windows XP license
information and installation media as well as your 'Windows 7' license
information and installation media - I would suspect it would be similar to
Windows 98 to Windows XP upgrades - doable.


titus12 said:
When Win7 is released, will I be able to reinstall Win7 on my system
if my system crash, or do I have to buy another license?

If you want to run the officially released (i.e., not beta or RC
versions) version of Windows 7, then of course you will need to purchase
an installation CD, and this purchase includes the license. As long as
you don't install this OS on more than one system (or move it to another
system in the event you purchase an OEM license), then you may reinstall
it as many times as you want without needing to purchase additional

Do you currently have or plan on installing a beta version of Windows 7?

Or do you plan on purchasing Windows 7?

What do you mean by the phrase "another license"? Do you mean another
Windows 7 license? Or do you mean a license in addition to a Windows XP


titus12 said:
When Win7 is released, will I be able to reinstall Win7 on my system if my
system crash, or do I have to buy another license?

Name a prior *legitimate* version of MS-DOS or Windows in which you did
not have to buy another license whether it be a full or upgrade version.
What version of MS-DOS or Windows did you ever see that was free? What
is it about betaware, trialware, or demoware that you do not understand?

Regardless of whether or not your system crashes, you are NOW using and
volunteered to be a guinea pig of their *BETA* version. Didn't you read
the FAQ at their download page?


If you did then you would already know the current beta release expires
on Aug-1-2009 and you don't get a free released version for choosing to
*volunteer* to be their unpaid beta tester.

PA Bear [MS MVP]

You will not be able to upgrade from WinXP to Win7. As such, you will have
to format the WinXP machine, purchase and install a full retail version of
Win7. Should a "reinstall" be necessary after that, you'd use your Win7

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