XP to Win Pro macro copy


Bryan Kelly

I have written some macros under XP and can save them in my personal
When I take the macros to work and load them under Windows Professional,
I am unable to find any way to save that such that they will be available
any worksheet. I must either import them each time or open a workbook that
already has them, then open the new file. That is not good.

The goal is to provide the macros to the customer so they can analyze data
a pre-determined manner. They should not have to open file xy.xls before
can run the macros. How should I do this?


You probably won't like this idea, but why don't you create
a workbook similar to Personal that you can give to the
customer. You operate the "macro" workbook hidden.


P.S. You will have to set up the main workbook so that it
uses the "macro" workbook as a reference.

Dave Peterson

Do you have a personal.xls at work? If yes, then I'd merge the macros into one
(and bring a copy home!).

But you can find where your personal.xls file should be stored by:

Opening excel
hitting alt-F11 (to get to the vbe)
hit ctrl-g (to see the immediate window)

type this and hit enter:

I get this using win98 and xl2002:
C:\WINDOWS\Application Data\Microsoft\Excel\XLSTART

but if you want to give them to a customer, then stay away from the name
Personal.xls just give them an addin that they can store anywhere they want and
load via tools|addins.

And build a nice interface to your macros (tools|macro|macros ain't so nice).

I really like John Walkenbach's MenuMaker for creating a nice access to my


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