XP Start up



Can someone tell me where to go to remove an explorer window that opens at
each start up? i have gone to the 'start up' files in programs and there is
nothing there. Windows Explore opens to 'System 32' or the Search page.

Carey Frisch [MVP]

System32 Folder Opens When Logging on to Windows XP

Search Companion Starts If You Double-Click a Folder

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows - Shell/User
Microsoft Community Newsgroups



| Can someone tell me where to go to remove an explorer window that opens at
| each start up? i have gone to the 'start up' files in programs and there is
| nothing there. Windows Explore opens to 'System 32' or the Search page.


Well the second suggestion doesn't exactly apply. I went through both the
strings in the registry and deleted most of the values that I don't feel is
absolutely necessary. I didn't find any of the exact errors listed on the
page with the solutions.
None have astericks or quotation marks in 'Data' value.
I am now getting the Explorer Window, with the Search side car, and the
System32 folder in the 'lookin' window.


Sorry, I think I just discovered the problem. I think it was an incomplete
installation of Yahoo messenger. The only entry for the 'data' column was
'quiet'. Once I removed the partial entry, Windows boots properly now.
Thank you for your help, you may disregard the previous communication.
You've been a great help!

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