XP SP2 very slow to boot



SP2 works OK but I noticed a big difference in boot time from c.30s to over
3 minutes now

Any ideas?

I had used bootvis.exe a couple of years ago to tune the SP1 setup. Anything
I can do?


Måç said:
SP2 works OK but I noticed a big difference in boot time from c.30s to over
3 minutes now

Any ideas?

I had used bootvis.exe a couple of years ago to tune the SP1 setup. Anything
I can do?

Hi Mac, I had this and many other problems after downloading SP2.
I had previously run the last beta version with no problems at all,but the
official release was a night mare. However if you go back to the MS update
site and read in detail what is required you will find it is not just a case
of saying yes to the update. I removed SP2 and followed the detailed
instructions and then reloaded SP2 and all is fine . If you don't prepare
your system as per their advice you will get endless problems and conflicts.
There is a detailed post on this forum from someone who did his homework
first and got it right first time. I would read the update site and check
what you did to download the update before doing anything else.


Måç said:
SP2 works OK but I noticed a big difference in boot time from c.30s to over
3 minutes now

Any ideas?

I had used bootvis.exe a couple of years ago to tune the SP1 setup. Anything
I can do?

Defrag the drive. Reboot at least three times for the built in
optimization to work. It takes prefetch several days to rebuild and
speed things up. If it still boots slowly do some clean boot
troubleshooting to see what may be hanging up. Those programs may need
to be uninstalled/reinstalled.

How to troubleshoot by using the System Configuration utility in Windows XP

How to perform a clean boot in Windows XP

Alex Nichol

Måç said:
SP2 works OK but I noticed a big difference in boot time from c.30s to over
3 minutes now

Any ideas?

I had used bootvis.exe a couple of years ago to tune the SP1 setup. Anything
I can do?

Installing SP2 leaves files scattered around and undoes all the
optimisations that have gone on - it accordingly deletes the Prefetch
folder, and that has to be rebuilt. Defrag the system, and then reboot
two or three times during the next week, so that data on boot
accumulates in Prefetch along with that on programs you load, and the
every-three day optimisation will start to improves things pretty soon


Thanks Alex that makes sense, it does seem to be getting faster.

BTW do you know if there is a version of BOOTVIS for SP2. I tried using the
old one and the explorer kept crashing at boot-up, so I went back to the
last known good config.

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