XP SP2 Firewall notification will NOT stay Unchecked?!



I turned off the firewall and notification for the firewall so I don't get
the balloons on boot, but every time I reboot, the notification for the
firewall is checked again I get the balloons and an icon in the notification
area. Shouldn't this stay permanent like the antivirus and auto-update

Anyone else seeing this?


Yes I have the same problem with my McAfee Fire wall not
being recognised by Service Pack 2. As yet no solution
found so I'm running both firewalls.

Edward W. Thompson


Martin said:
Yes I have the same problem with my McAfee Fire wall not
being recognised by Service Pack 2. As yet no solution
found so I'm running both firewalls.

Just because SP2 is not programmed to recognise your firewall does not mean
it isn't active and efficient. Running two software programs that are
attempting to do much the same thing while may not give problems, certainly
may give problems.

If I were you I would turn off the WINXP firewall as it does not protect you
from unauthorised outgoing connections.


I have turned the Windows firewall OFF. The point I am trying to make is
that I turned it off and also selected to not be notified of that fact in the
security center notifications. The problem is I can uncheck the firewall
notification box, anti-virus notification box, and auto update notification
box and the firewall box is checked when I reboot (I keep getting notified
that it is OFF). It will not keep its state of OFF which is very annoying.
I don't want to be notified.

Alex Nichol

Martin said:
Yes I have the same problem with my McAfee Fire wall not
being recognised by Service Pack 2. As yet no solution
found so I'm running both firewalls.

You can turn off the Security Center service in Admin tools - services.
You will still be able to use the Control Panel applet, but the auto
warn will go



The question is why won't windows remember that fact that I UNCHECKED all
three notification options in the security center? The firewall box keeps
getting re-checked when I reboot. I shouldn't have to turn the service off,
I would think when I tell windows I don't want to be notified that should be
the end of it. It should honor that and not reset itself.

Is it supposed to reset itself or is it a bug?


mjmattson said:

The question is why won't windows remember that fact that I UNCHECKED all
three notification options in the security center? The firewall box keeps
getting re-checked when I reboot. I shouldn't have to turn the service off,
I would think when I tell windows I don't want to be notified that should be
the end of it. It should honor that and not reset itself.

Is it supposed to reset itself or is it a bug?

No, it is because MS has screwed up so many security issues over the years, they think their stupidity applies to the users of Windows not comprehending these alerts. They just allow them to repat over and over again, until you feel you have to uninstall Windows.

Harvey Gratt

I have exactly the same problem on XP PRO on an IBM R40 Thinkpad (SP2
patch installed yesterday). I use Zone Alarm Free 4.5.594 and have
disabled the windows firewall, checked the "monitor firewall myself" box
as well as unchecking the "change the way security center alerts me"
firewall box. Needless to say, on about every other reboot, the boxes
revert back and the alert ballon pops up.


1. Did the admin tools/services fix work?
2. Did you ever find the underlying cause and/or remedy?



i also are haivng the same problem with norton firewall 2003
I uncheck everything and it rechecks it after a reboot
you said there is a fix can you tell me what it is?


Harvey Gratt

Current workaround is disable the Security Center under Control
Panel/Administrative Tools/Component Services/Services.



ok, so what do you do to disable it?
Harvey Gratt said:
Current workaround is disable the Security Center under Control
Panel/Administrative Tools/Component Services/Services.


Harvey Gratt

Double-click on the Security Center service in the right hand pane.
Change the Startup Type to disabled. Click Apply and O.K.



I have come up with a solution that does not disable Security Center,
but keeps the Alerts settings you choose:

I believe a component of Symantec is resetting the alerts by making
changes in the registry key that controls whether alerts are on or
off. By changing the Permissions of that key, you can keep the
settings from being changed again. I posted the following procedure
at broadbandreports.com yesterday, so I'm going to paste the text

I will type a lot here, to help those needing the background info, but
I DO have a potential fix for this, scan down to where I write:

Not well documented issue in which (apparently) having a Symantec
products (Norton Antivirus, Internet Security) keeps resetting the XP
Windows Security Center settings to notify/alert that Firewall (or
other) aspect is not enabled.

After searching countless threads, so far the only option is to
disable the Security Center service completely. In my case I do not
want to run a software firewall, but am using Norton Antivirus 2004.
After each reboot, the firewall alert settings in Security Center get
wiped out, and reset to "Alert me if my computer might be at risk
because of my firewall settings." There are some discussions pointing
to Symantec security feature that restores the setting each time. I'm
sure they'll eventually come up with a patched file, but until then
this is what I have found will prevent the setting from changing.
(Other, more expert users, please chime in if there is a spin on this
that would be better!")


Solution is to change the permissions for the registry key which
handles Security Center Alert settings. By preventing the System
account from changing the value, the choices you make "stay put". You
should be doing this while logged in as a member of Administrators
group, by the way.

1) Use regedit to go to:


The subkeys within are what change (either "0" or "1") when you change
your Alert settings within the Security Center.


A value of "1" engages the option, so to disable Firewall alerts, the
value should be "1"

2) Now, to stop these values changing from what you WANT, you must
highlight the Security Center key name, and right click on it (or use
Edit menu) and choose Permissions.

3) Click Advanced, under the Permissions tab, Permission entries,
select the SYSTEM (in the Name column) and click Edit.

4) In the Deny column (should start out all unchecked) click to select
the Set Value checkbox, and click OK. This way we create an exception
to the normal permissions of the SYSTEM account for this subkey ONLY.

5) When you click Apply or OK next, a warning is displayed regarding
setting a "deny" permission. If you are following the above, then the
only change to permissions are for this specifc subkey (Security
Center) and it poses no threat. Click Yes to continue. Click OK to
exit the last dialog box. You are done. (If you go go back to
permissions, Advanced, you see a new permission entry has been created
for SYSTEM to Deny Set Value. If and when you want to reverse the
registry adjustment we just made, simply highlight that new entry and
click the Remove button.)

NOTE!! The effect of this permissions change means that making changes
within the Security Center graphical interface for Alerts settings
will have NO EFFECT on the registry after this until such time as you
go back to the registry key and remove the one deny permission you
created. Unless you reverse the registry change, the only way to
change the alerting options is changing the above subkeys to zeros or
ones using regedit. Remember this is just a registry change for the
*alerting* options, it does not change the operation of the Security
Center in any other or negative way.

Hope this helps people who have been as frustrated as I.

Alex Nichol

howiezows said:
I have come up with a solution that does not disable Security Center,
but keeps the Alerts settings you choose:

I believe a component of Symantec is resetting the alerts by making
changes in the registry key that controls whether alerts are on or
off. By changing the Permissions of that key, you can keep the
settings from being changed again.

Typical of Symantec. . .

Thanks for posting your fix. Of course it *ought* not to be necessary
if third party companies like that did not take such arrogant attitudes


Alex Nichol said:
Typical of Symantec. . .

Thanks for posting your fix. Of course it *ought* not to be necessary
if third party companies like that did not take such arrogant attitudes

I use Sygate Personal Firewall Pro 5.5 build 2637 and get the same
issue. I am however running Symantec Anti-Virus 2004 Pro.


I use Sygate Personal Firewall Pro 5.5 build 2637 and get the same
issue. I am however running Symantec Anti-Virus 2004 Pro.

I'm using the same as above, but no matter what I do, the damn firewall
keeps reactivating itself each time I power up my system. I missed the
"fix". Would it be possible to repost it please?


fwaits said:
I use Sygate Personal Firewall Pro 5.5 build 2637 and get the same
issue. I am however running Symantec Anti-Virus 2004 Pro.

Which really does point to the culprit being Symantec, because I have
three Windows boxen running the free Sygate firewall and no Symantec av
(I use F-Prot) and have not got your problem.


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