XP SP2 Can not Publish From FrontPage 2003



Since I've installed XP sp2 I can not publish my website.
FrontPage reports a error 500 Command Unknown. I can use
a third party FTP program without a problem but FrontPage
always aborts.
Any help out there?


I'm using FP2003 with XP SP2 and I haven't got any problems publishing. May
you could look for an SP for FP in the Microsoft site.

Jim Buyens

Try this:

1. Switch to Remote Web Site View.
2. Click Remote Web Site Properties.
3. I presume you have Remote Web Server Type set to FTP.
If so, select the Use Passive FTP check box.

Jim Buyens
Microsoft FrontPage MVP
Author of:
|| Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 Inside Out
|| Web Database Development Step by Step .NET Edition
|| Microsoft FrontPage Version 2002 Inside Out
|| Faster Smarter Beginning Programming
|| (All from Microsoft Press)


Dear All,
I am hving a very similar problem, but only when I try to publish to my own
"home site", but not when I publish from the same machine to my work web
server. Thgis leads me to beleive believe the problem occurs when you try to
publish to a non-Microsoft web server, or a web server without FP extensions.
First I get a message saying that there is no web server available on Port 21.
Then I get a message saying that the web server will not allow me to publish
from my inside IP address, but only from 203.***.***.*** which is
the IP address dynamically assigend to my ADSL modem/router by my ISP when it
is switched on.
However, WS_FTP client will open the remote web site as well as transfer all
files across the the remote site without any problems whatsoever.
So why can a third party software do it but FP2003 cannot ????
Please see my print screen examples here:
It's not the firewall or the modem or the router, because I can successfully
publish to a different web server with the same config.
Any comments or feedback?


Inline below

Ron Symonds (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
Reply only to group - emails will be deleted unread.

Paul Horvath said:
Dear All,
I am hving a very similar problem, but only when I try to publish to my
"home site", but not when I publish from the same machine to my work web
server. Thgis leads me to beleive believe the problem occurs when you try
publish to a non-Microsoft web server, or a web server without FP
First I get a message saying that there is no web server available on Port

How are you designating the destination? Should be ftp://ftp.bigblue.net.au
Then I get a message saying that the web server will not allow me to
from my inside IP address, but only from 203.***.***.*** which is
the IP address dynamically assigend to my ADSL modem/router by my ISP when
is switched on.

Is NAT turned on in the router? If it is then the server will not be able
to see your local address.

Try plugging the modem directly into the PC and bypassing the router - that
will determine if the router is the problem source.
However, WS_FTP client will open the remote web site as well as transfer
files across the the remote site without any problems whatsoever.
So why can a third party software do it but FP2003 cannot ????

Is FrontPage set up to use Passive Mode? (Publishing properties in Remote
Is WS_FTP using passive mode?


Dear Ron,
Yes I am using ftp://ftp.bigblue.net.au
Yes, NAT is switched on in the router (but I have no problem publishing
through this router to my work webserver "AAPT Connect")
Yes, I am using passive mode FTP setting in FP2003.
WS_FTP settings are:
Server Type:FTP
Host Type: Automatic detect
Firewall: NONE
Remote Port: 21
It seems that FP2003 does not "like" some web servers - Apache
I have not yet tried the modem solution but will do this tomorrow.
Thanks for your response.
Paul Horvath


Thanks Jim I had the same problem and your suggested solution worked like a


Dear Daniel and Jim Buyens,

I already tried this some months ago (tick passive FTP) and it still does
not work.
Front page refuses to connect. Interestingly, I was told that it could be
because I am behind a router/ADSL modem with NAT enables that this could be
the problem.
So I tried connecting up via dial up modem with the same problem.

When I use WS_FTP home it works first time every time when I publish to my
"problem" ISP FTP.
Publishing this way is not as "nice" as with Frontpage, as Frontpage can
compare files as well as syncronize etc.

Also worth noting is that I can publish with Frontpage from behind my ADSL
modem/router to our company website with no problems. As far as In know they
are NOT using Apache on their web server.

So for me, this issue is still not solved.
I contacted my ISP and they deny the problem because they recommend WS_FTP
and they do not have any problems using WSFTP to publish to their web server.

So the question remains:
Why can WS_FTP connect straight away to my ISP web server (from behind my
router) whereas Frontpage 2003 CANNOT/WILL NOT ???

Protocol issue maybe??


Thomas A. Rowe

FP uses IE connection settings, can you connect via FTP with IE?

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.


Dear Thomas,
I can connect using My network places and I can copy a0.6MB file across to
the ftp folder.
However, IE6 will not connect.
Frontpage will not connect. But WS_FTP DOES, first time every time.
Very strange.

Thomas A. Rowe

Being able to use FTP and FP has no impact on each other, other than you have a Internet connection.
FTP uses port 21, and FP (http) uses port 80, make sure port 80 is not blocked by your firewall.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.

Thomas A. Rowe

Paul, the link just takes me the Web based version of this newsgroup, so I have no idea what you
have also experienced. I only access the newsgroup via Outlook Express.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.

Thomas A. Rowe


FP can not be used to directly open a web on a server that doesn't have the FP extensions, since it
has to be able to connect via http. FP can only be used to publish to a server that doesn't have the
FP extensions via FTP.

Now it the issue is with just being able to publishing, then make sure your IE connection settings
are set to use Passive Mode FTP.
Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.

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