XP Source Files / Source Path



When I've installed Win9x on computers I'd copy the .cab files to the hard
drive and setup from there. That way when I installed other programs or
made Windows changes I didn't usually have to get my Win9x cd.. the install
would use the files on the hard drive. Is there a way to do this in WinXP
Pro? In this case WinXP is already installed so I'd need to go into the
registry and change the Source Path, if that works in XP like it did in 9x.

Thanks in advance

Tom Porterfield

When I've installed Win9x on computers I'd copy the .cab files to the hard
drive and setup from there. That way when I installed other programs or
made Windows changes I didn't usually have to get my Win9x cd.. the install
would use the files on the hard drive. Is there a way to do this in WinXP
Pro? In this case WinXP is already installed so I'd need to go into the
registry and change the Source Path, if that works in XP like it did in 9x.

It is the i386 folder on the XP CD that contains the necessary files. Copy
that to a location on the hard drive and then change the registry key at
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup [SourcePath] to point
to the location where you copied the i386 folder on the HD.
Tom Porterfield
MS-MVP Windows

Please post all follow-ups to the newsgroup only.

Thomas Wendell

Yes, you can
You need to copy the I386 directory from the XP disk to HD (preferably NOT
That path is HKLM/Software/Microsoft/CurrentVersion/Setup
Key is SourcePath
Value = X:\I386 (where X: is HD letter)

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