XP - sort order messed up in open and save as dialog boxes


Chuck Bones

XP started doing this recently. If I open a File-Open or File-Save As
dialog box, the sort order is scrambled. Here is a partial list of
programs that have this problem:

Newsbin Pro
Adobe Acrobat Reader

These MS applications don't have the problem:

MS Project

How do I fix this?


-- CB

David Candy

Office is not a window's program. It cunningly copies the look of parts of windows.

Open a file folder in Explorer, sort how you want, and Ctrl + Close (X on title bar). This sets the global sort which on nearly anything but Open Dialog is overridden by other settings.

Chuck Bones

Office is not a window's program. It cunningly copies the look of parts =
of windows.

How is this relevant? I referred to the office apps as MS apps, I did
not call them windows programs.
Open a file folder in Explorer, sort how you want, and Ctrl + Close (X =
on title bar). This sets the global sort which on nearly anything but =
Open Dialog is overridden by other settings.

This did not work. Even tried a reboot. No luck. Any other ideas?


-- cb

David Candy

Both do the same thing. There is no need to reboot. Although programs tend to read it once and remember what it is. For mine it must be done in a file folder as it is just the same as close on a non file folder.

If it's so irrelevent then why did you mention it. It relevent SFB because it explains the different behaviour.

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