XP Shutdown/Reboot Hangs

  • Thread starter Mundungus Fletcher
  • Start date

Mundungus Fletcher

Greetings all,
I apologize in advance for what will be a long post. I always try to
provide as much info on first post as I can.

I am having a problem with an XP installation that will not reboot or
shut down. It gets past "saving your settings" to the point where it
says "Windows is Shutting Down" and then stays there. I've left it
there overnight, and it still doesn't reboot.

The system originally had Windows 98. As far as I know, the problem
was there then. It was later upgraded to XP Home, then XP Pro with
SP2. THEN, I moved the installation to a brand new Dell Optiplex.
What I mean is that I re-ran setup on the existing Dell, then at the
first reboot, I ghosted the installation to the new PC. I had always
thought that the problem was with ACPI on the old PC. I couldn't
believe that the problem still exists on the new PC.

So here's what I've tried so far:

when I boot in Safe Mode with Networking support, it actually works!
This, plus the fact that it has happened on 2 PCs makes me believe
it is software based. So I ran tlist -s in both safe and normal
modes, then in normal mode I tried shutting down all tasks/services
that weren't running in safe mode. It hung on shutdown. The only
service I was unable to stop was the "Security Accounts Manager"
service, which runs off lsass.exe. I am hesitant to disable this
service should I be?

Then I ran Ad-aware Pro, which has a process and module list plugin.
Again, I compared the lists from safe and normal modes. The only
three modules exclusive to normal mode were:

DNSAPI.dll C:\WINDOWS\system32\DNSAPI.dll
rasadhlp.dll C:\WINDOWS\system32\rasadhlp.dll

I checked all three of these, and the versions are current.

I have tried logging in as a different user - no luck.
I've run countless spyware checks - no luck.
I've defragged and chkdsk'd - no luck.
I've Googled my fingers numb.
The PC comes up as "ACPI Uniprocessor PC" in Device Manager.

I know the obvious solution would be to revert to the new install
of the Dell, and migrate documents/settings to it, but this user
has crap everywhere - Desktop, My Docs, Local Settings, etc.

I guess as a side question, is the "Feils and Settings Transfer
Wizard" reliable as a means for migration? I have a general
distrust for MS's "wizards."

Thanks in advance!


Mundungus Fletcher

OK, so I think it was an old IBM AS/400 client installation.

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