XP Root Directory & Compiler/IDE Installation



To install a C++ compiler/IDE, I need to put it in the root directory
(c:\DJGPP...). But because my HP is set up for multiple users, when I go
into the DOS shell, the c-prompt is c:\Directory & Settings\Greg... , so I'm
not able to install a new directory--that is, the install is a sub-directory,
which won't allow the compiler to work. Hitting PROMPT gives me a c>, which
also isn't what I need.

First question: how do I get rid of multiple users, so that when I go to
the shell the prompt comes up as c:\ ?

Second question: I manually moved the compiler/IDE files into the root
directory (I think), which enabled me to compile a program, but the program
won't run--any thoughts as to what I might be doing wrong?

Doug Sherman [MVP]

The command to switch to the root directory of a drive is cd\.

Can't help with the second question.

Doug Sherman

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