XP Repair/Upgrade-reinstall



I am trying to do a repair by doing a reinstall - upgrade. All goes well
untin it comes time to coping files. I get about 100 files XP install says it
cannot copy XXXX.ch_ or XXXX.DL_ and the such. It says to be sure the drive
in in the CD player. I get 2 options, retry or cancel/skip. It also says to
try a different path. the default says f:/i386I. F is my cd drive. the i386
comes up on its own. I think my DISSPY adware prog my have dumped a DLL or
something similar. Now the machine locks up even just sitting on the desktop.
How do a force this garbage OS to install all files.
If you can please reply directly to me @ (e-mail address removed)


Please post to microsoft.public.windowsxp.general newsgroup.
This NG is to support Windows XP Embedded products.

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