XP question



Sorry but this is a question about XP, couldnt find a discussion group so
thought some here may know.

I am currently running a laptop on a docking station linked up to a 20" flat

I wanted to know if it is possible to use both the flat screen and my lap to
screen at once but with split information. for example one aplication on one
screen an another on tthe other, with the ability to drog from one screen to



I have seen it done, but i think it depends on your laptop. There is usually
a function key which cycles the possible outputs - laptop - external display
- both
Last one I remember was function key + f5, hope this helps

Mark Driscol

You may be able to do it through going to your desktop, right clicking,
selecting properties, and going to the settings tab. On my laptop, I
have a choice of two monitors, and when selecting one I can check a
checkbox "Extend my Windows desktop onto this monitor."


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