XP problems?



ok here goes my puter crashed a while back the disk I got didn't work, so I
had to get someone else to remove and redo all my puter (harddrive). now some
stuff i used to do i can't now. My sis-in-law came to stay with me and tried
to burn a dick off of my XP and its stuck there waiting to be written, it
wont delete. Does anyone have any suggestions? Can I erase eveything and try
the disk again that come with my compute. My cd wizard will not write disk I
have been trying to write some pictures to a disk


Texaslady said:
ok here goes my puter crashed a while back the disk I got didn't
work, so I had to get someone else to remove and redo all my puter
(harddrive). now some stuff i used to do i can't now. My sis-in-law
came to stay with me and tried to burn a dick off of my XP and its
stuck there waiting to be written, it wont delete. Does anyone have
any suggestions? Can I erase eveything and try the disk again that
come with my compute. My cd wizard will not write disk I have been
trying to write some pictures to a disk



What happens when you try to burn a disc. What CD burning program are you
using or are you using the built in software that came with XP.

Glen P


tried to burn a dick off of my XP and its stuck there

Try to stay away from porn sites, especially when using an insecure o/s like
Windoze. You're just asking for trouble.

Bruce Chambers

Texaslady said:
ok here goes my puter crashed a while back the disk I got didn't work, so I
had to get someone else to remove and redo all my puter (harddrive). now some
stuff i used to do i can't now. My sis-in-law came to stay with me and tried
to burn a dick off of my XP and its stuck there waiting to be written, it
wont delete. Does anyone have any suggestions? Can I erase eveything and try
the disk again that come with my compute. My cd wizard will not write disk I
have been trying to write some pictures to a disk

Is English a second or third language for you? If so, may I
suggest that you try posting your question in a news group dedicated
to your native language? I say this not to insult or offend, but
rather to point out that you're not likely to get much help, if no one
can understand what you're saying.

Otherwise, I'd suggest you start by reposting in standard English,
complete with paragraphs, sentences, capital letters where
appropriate, and punctuation. As it is, your post is quite
undecipherable: most of the the words used are from the English
language, but are almost completely meaningless as currently

Help us help you:

Otherwise, you might as well try here:

Psychic Friends Network
(800) 592-7827


Bruce Chambers

Help us help you:

You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on having
both at once. - RAH

Will Denny



Will Denny
MS MVP Windows Shell/User
Please reply to the News Groups

Will Denny

Of course that have been LMFAO - gotta be that time of the month :))


Will Denny
MS MVP Windows Shell/User
Please reply to the News Groups


Sounds like you are trying to burn a CD, but the burning
software (or your CD burning drive) are getting you nowhere.

Simplest solution is to get decent software. Order Nero 6
off Amazon.com. That will burn virtually anything you need.

Next step, if the new software doesn't fix it, is to install
a new CD burner, which can be had for $15.

Total "fix", $25 - $30.

And it WOULD help IMMENSELY if you would go back to Adult
Night school and take some remedial English courses.

Your English grammar is BARELY understandable.

IF you are not an American,and your English is your 2nd
language, you CAN learn better English.


BUT, your plea DOES remind me of a funny story. I am a
writer by profession. Back in the day when I was able to
work as a Tech Writer (briefly), I was assigned to an outfit
that builds trucks.

The company was PACCAR, and I was assigned to the
Accounting Department.

Budget time came, and the whole department was working 16
hour days. We were like 2 days from our Quarterly review,
and the woman who was tasked with inputting clients M-Q into
the system (database) had been literally sleeping at her
desk for the last 2 days.

She finally SHRIEKED for help, and the boss-- an Ex VP--
ordered the entire staff to her cubicle to help her
proofread her semi-final list. We each got a copy of the
part of the list she was working on, and we began skimming.

The Ex VP made a friendly comment about "some long nights,
huh, Eleanor?"

Dorothy, who had been working on the list with Eleanor, was
skimming over something like page 50 (the rest of us were
around page 5), when Dorothy HOWLED with laughter.

"What?" Jake (the VP) and the rest of us asked.

Dorothy chuckled, "turn to page 50, line 47".

We all flipped to page 50, line 47.

It read, "25 boxes of Floppy Dicks"

(this was back in the days of the 5 1/4 " floppy disks.)

Without even thinking, one of the guys muttered, "I bet
THAT was a VERY long night", to Eleanor, who was now beet
red with embarrassment.

We didn't know at that moment that she had been
dating--screwing-- the VP for the past several months.


Ken Blake, MVP

Talahasee said:
Sounds like you are trying to burn a CD, but the burning
software (or your CD burning drive) are getting you nowhere.

Simplest solution is to get decent software. Order Nero 6
off Amazon.com. That will burn virtually anything you need.

Nero is a good CD burning program, but the idea that it is the *only* good
program, and is required to burn a CD successfully, is nonsense. Nero is
just one of many programs that work well. Even the built in Windows CD
burning program, while not as versatile as third-party choices, works.

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