XP Pro Won't Start



I have a problem. My son purchased a computer (used) with the OS already loaded. It crashed. No new cards loaded. I get to the windows logo and then the screen blacks out. Screen says XP Professional, indicator bar is scrolling, then screen just blanks out. Can't get past the logo, no matter what I try. Have tried to start with Norton, have downloaded boot files from Microsoft. The first boot disk loads, when I load the 2nd, I get the following message
File \ntkrnlmp.exe could not be loaded, error code is 7, press any key to continue. When I press a key, the screen blacks out. Have also tried going in to change the video. Nothing working. Please help. Don't want to lose my data if I can help it
Thanks in advance


reboot and tap the F8 key constantly and see if you can get into the selections screen for last known good configuration or if that doesn't work try safe mode and then go start\run and type in msconfig and click the boot.ini tab and then the check all boot paths button and see if it finds and fixes a corrupt boot file. At this point it's pretty much a guess as to what is wrong. Would have been nice to have the original XP disk or recovery disk to boot from but the floppies should have worked. As far as the error goes my code interpreter returns. "the storage blocks were destroyed" when I type in the 7. I haven't any idea what that means. {:~(


Tried your suggestion. Didn't work. Chose Safe Mode. Started listing files(????) i.e. starts with
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS\system32\ntoskrnl.exe and ends with
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS\system32\Drivers\Mup.sys then it just hangs. If I start with Last Known Good Configuration, I get the same and if I start it in normal, I get the XP screen with the scroll bar, then the screen goes blank.

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