XP Pro Running Slowwwww



I've noticed that my computer running XP Pro now takes forever to open up a
simple text document. I open up the Task Manager and notice that the CPU
utilization jumps to 100% for at least 30 seconds before the file is open.
And I'm not talking about huge files - anywhere from 50-100K. Any ideas of
what's causing this?

R. McCarty

The #1 reason for loss of PC performance is
drive fragmentation. The Windows built-in Defrag utility
is adequate, but more comprehensive defrag is available.
I personally use and recommend Raxco's Perfect Disk.
You can download a fully functional 30-day trial from
their website http://raxco.com. If you download the trial
read the instructions as there are two distinct types of
defrag runs, Boot-Time and GUI based. Both should be
run to get you back to maximum drive performance.

Philip Wagstaff

My XP Home is ok once its running but it is the booting up and closing down
that takes an age. I'm sure it's taking much longer than when I first
started using it. I've checked the startup file and there's little in it.
Any thoughts much appreciated.


I've seen this sort of hanging in XP quite often,
except that the CPU is often not doing anything.
It occurs even when I've completely disabled
any virus scan; and tends to occur more frequently
when I'm doing plenty of multi-tasking, bunch of
apps and documents just sitting in the background
doing nothing.

XP then just sits there for a while before opening what
it was supposed to open 10-30 seconds prior,
It occurs very intermittently, though much too
often for comfort. I see no rhyme or reason in this
behaviour, except to conclude that there are problems
inherent with XP itself. The machine is a 2.53GHz/512MB,
and XP is configured for speed.

I had similar experiences with NT, prior to the last 2 service packs,
and even with Win2k, prior to SP 2, though not as bad. Funny how
it all stopped after a few service packs! It took MS a few years to
get these right, probably same goes for XP.


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