XP Pro "Administrator" transferring to another user


Robert N. Bernard

On my laptop, I have XP Professional. I started using it
and logged in as the default account (Administrator). I
kept using and using it, and accumulated documents,
shortcuts, software, etc. The only thing that was really
unusual or annoying about it was that the AutoComplete
did not work, and I had to always type my password when
opening Outlook.

So, after a little research, I found that
the "Administrator" account has AutoComplete always
turned off (overriding your turning it on with the check
boxes) for security purposes.

Therefore, I went through the hassle of creating a new
account. For some reason, I could not create a User
account -- I had to create another account with
Administrator privileges. So I did this, logged into it,
and then thought I would copy over the Desktop and all my
files to the new account. Unfortunately, the directories
under the original Administrator account were completely
locked out, even to my account with administrator
privileges. I could not access anything. Well, I
reasoned, I should just re-login to the original
Administrator account and transfer the stuff manually.
However, I was unable to even go to that account at all --
there was no way to log into that account.

Panic set in, as there was no way to access any of my

I discovered the "System Restore" option, which allowed
me to restore the system to a previous configuration.
This was a lifesaver.

So, I am still stuck in the same situation. I want to
create a new account that contains all of my old files,
desktop set up, shortcuts, favorites, etc., that had
administrator privileges, and still allows AutoComplete
and password memorization.

My question is: is there a way to do this reasonably
painlessly? If not, do you have any suggestions?


Delwin Lee [MSFT]

A couple of notes:

- First, it sounds like your My Documents folder may be encrypted on your
Admin account. Check to see if this is the case by right-clicking My
Documents, going to Properties, and then clicking the Sharing tab.

- Second - once you've created your new account, the Administrator account
is still available; it's just hidden. On the Welcome screen, hit
Ctrl+Alt+Del twice and you will be able to log on as Administrator.

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