XP media center startup problem



Hi, I cannot start my computer, not even in safe mode. It stops on the black
screen with the windows logo. I tried to start up from cd, but had to use
Installation disk for xp professional. During install process, I notice that
the main drive are labelled "D" and unknown. drive C are the recovery
partition. When I choose the partition where my MCE are installed, XP ask me
to format. Are my HD defective? Is it repairable without loosing data?

Tim M

- snip -

Are my HD defective?


Most hard disk manufacturers provide boot CDs of Floppys for booting
the computer and testing the hard disk drives. If you have another
computer you might want to try downloading the correct one (BIOS
should tell you the make) and testing the hard disk(s).



Thank you, but I found that by using the chkdsk tool on the Proffesional disk
I solved the problem. I do not , however, know what caused the problem.
Thanks again.

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