xp losing mapped drives?

  • Thread starter Alex Lazarevich
  • Start date

Alex Lazarevich

In a windows domain, we redirect the users desktops to their home
directory, which is mounted at login via the login script. It mounts
the user home directory as drive z:, which resides on a Linux 7.3
fileserver running samba 2.2.7. That way each user has the same
desktop no matter what machine they log into. This setup has worked
for years with us, without problem, on NT 4.0 and 2000. Now that XP
has come along, it works, for the most part. But every so often, a
user's home directory (z:) will unmount for no apparent reason, and
the desktop is lost, and a new profile shows up in "Documents and
Settings" with the name, %username%%redirectionpath%. This is
obviously the place where XP is storing the new desktop, because it
lost the home mount and had to find a place to store the desktop.

This really stinks.

Also, the home directories never fail to mount via the login script.
So it's not a problem with mounting. It's just a problem after the
user has been on the machine for a while, and then bam, their home
unmounts without any error message, and nothing in the event logs to
indicate any problem. Once lost, they can imediately remount their
home by mapping network drive, but most of our users don't know how to
do this. That's why we automount it for them.

So this could be a problem with XP or samba. But if it's a problem
with samba, then it only relates to XP, because we have no problem on
NT 4.0 & 2K machines.

Now I do understand this is a very general problem that may be
unanswerable, but I'm just curious if anyone else out there has this
problem too, and if they've found any solution.

I could try upgrading to samba 3.0, but I'd like to wait a bit. It
just came out last week. And that may not even be the problem anyway.

Thanks in advance,


ric altman

I'm having a similar problem. I've had XP on a small
network for a year and it's been fine until recently. Now
ever so often, all my mapped drives disconnect. There is
an autodisconnect feature that can be modified in the
Registry, but I'm not sure that's exactly where the
problem is. The default is 15 minutes.


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