XP install did not find hard drive




My desktop cannot boot up. I tried to reinstall windows XP.

My BIOS (setup) can recognize the hard drive. but when I use OS CD to
reinstall XP, after loading files, chose continue install XP, I got
error message, cannot find hard drive. the only option is F3 to quit

and my hard drive had click sound now..

I doubt hard drive had some problem. I had did chkdsk from recovery
console, but only 52% complete, chkdsk utility exit with "some part
cannot recovered" message.

any idea why BIOS can see hard drive, but installation software cannot
find hard drive...

your suggestion would be very appreciated..



My desktop cannot boot up. I tried to reinstall windows XP.

My BIOS (setup) can recognize the hard drive. but when I use OS CD to
reinstall XP, after loading files, chose continue install XP, I got
error message, cannot find hard drive. the only option is F3 to quit

and my hard drive had click sound now..

I doubt hard drive had some problem. I had did chkdsk from recovery
console, but only 52% complete, chkdsk utility exit with "some part
cannot recovered" message.

any idea why BIOS can see hard drive, but installation software cannot
find hard drive...

I can't imagine why you would think you *don't* have a hardware problem.
You most definitely do. I would start by testing the hard drive as

Test the hard drive with a diagnostic utility from the mftr. Usually you
will download the file and make a bootable floppy or cd with it. Boot
with the media and do a thorough test. If the drive has physical
errors, replace it.

Obviously you will need to get the utility from a working computer. If
you don't have one or hardware diagnosis is not your thing, take the
machine to a professional computer repair shop (not your local
equivalent of BigStoreUSA). There is no shame in doing this; I don't
hesitate to call a plumber when the sink doesn't work.


Mike Hall \(MS-MVP\)

You are experiencing hard drive failure.. buy a new one.. it will save you
hours of getting nowhere.. when building and loading a computer, if all of
the component parts are not working as they should, the whole process
becomes a nightmare..



I have tried to run the diagnostics on the hard drive, but either
diagnostics program hung or cannot find the hard drive...

I think probably the hard drive is bad...
I would buy a new one..


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