XP Home to XP Pro



I have XP home on my computer. I purchased a "Full Version " of XP pro. But
on the COA label it says OEM. Will I have to do a full install ? Will this
wipe out all of my software ? In other words, will I have to reinstall all of
my software ? I do plan to backup my software before atemping instalation.
Thanks for the help.



How are you connected to cable router?(usb, network cable...)
How are you connected to others coputer?(netwok cable,wirelwss...)


Sorry it was answer for an other post...

In your case you will upgrade os, then normal you will lost nothing.

Bruce Chambers

Bigjoe said:
I have XP home on my computer. I purchased a "Full Version " of XP pro. But
on the COA label it says OEM. Will I have to do a full install ?

Yes. An OEM CD cannot be used to perform an upgrade of an earlier OS,
as it was designed to be installed _only_ upon an empty hard drive.

Will this
wipe out all of my software ?


In other words, will I have to reinstall all of
my software ?


I do plan to backup my software before atemping instalation.

Data files can and should be backed up (and must be, if you want to use
them on the new installation), but applications will need to be
reinstalled from the original installation media, in order to recreate
the hundreds (possibly thousands) of registry entries and to replace the
dozens (possibly hundreds) of essential system files back into the
appropriate Windows folders and sub-folders.


Bruce Chambers

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Mike Brannigan

Bigjoe said:
I have XP home on my computer. I purchased a "Full Version " of XP
pro. But
on the COA label it says OEM. Will I have to do a full install ?
Will this
wipe out all of my software ? In other words, will I have to
reinstall all of
my software ? I do plan to backup my software before atemping
Thanks for the help.

Just one additional point to note - you have bought or been sold a
full OEM product NOT a full RETAIL product.
There are differences in the licensing and support models for these

Keeping it simple - for the OEM you cannot ring Microsoft and expect
support, that is supposed to be the responsibility of the OEM provider
of the machine that shipped with an OEM copy of Windows. Once
installed on that PC you will not be able to remove it and install it
too another PC - the OEM product is licensed for use only on the first
PC it is installed too, so even if you scrap that PC your OEM license
dies with it - it is not transferable.

Neither of these issues exist with the Retail version.

Be sure you carefully read the End User License Agreement during the
install and understand the license you are accepting.

Bob I

Yes an OEM version will be a "clean install" If you want the ability to
run an Upgrade of Home, keeping the current programs as installed, you
will need a Retail Full or Upgrade version of XP Pro.

George Hester

O(riginal)E(quipment)M(anfacturer) that is what it means. OEMs can be made
so that they do not install in any machine except the machine that were
meant to be installed in like that manufacturer's. An OEM is a Full version
but it is not a Retail product. Also it probably does not need a qualifying
product like an Upgrade version would need. The OEM can act as a qualifying
product. The software will probably survive IF Home is upgradeable to
Professional. But I don't think that is supported i.e. can be done. No
harm in trying though just don't allow the "upgrade" to format the partition
or you will lose everything. What I would do is buy another harddrive and
set that to be the boot drive. You won't lose anything (like data) you will
need to reinstall all the software you want and you will not need a
qualifying product. Otherwise yes the Home to Professional will likely kill
all your installed softeare and the data if you can do it at all.

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