XP home installation problems!



I've just installed OEM XP Home Edition and now when windows boots it goes
straight to guest user account and asks for a password to logon to windows.

I have not created any other accounts or passwords.

I have tried starting in safe mode to logon as administrator still with the
same problem?

Any suggestions?


I was just on the Microsoft Tech Support website looking to answer my
problem no luck with mine but I did see this article completely
unrelated to mine that might help you, "How to log on to Windows XP if
you forget your password or your password expires"
http://support.microsoft.com/kb/321305/en-us I hope that might help you.


I must say a very good link provided by WhittakerR however i'm not sure how
far that will help you because as you mentioned what you have installed is an
OEM. Microsoft doesnt give you much information about those. It would be more
fruitful for you if you contact the people from whom you purchased the
system. By the way whom did you purchase it from??

Hope this helps,


In Regedit, under HKLM\software\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon,
is your Username in the right pane beside the value DefaultUsername?
If so, is it beside AltUsername, also?
If so, under HKLM\Soft\Mic\WinNT\CV\Profile
List\S-1-5-21-11xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(where "X" are numbers), one of these long #
keys should have a "ProfileImagePath" with a path to \Administrator , and one
#key should have a path to \your user name here.


i just bought a hp laptop it came with no OS however did come with a XP pro
product key i obtained a XP cd and it will not accept the product key i have
spoken to hp they told me to call microsoft then the call to microsoft said i
should write to these series of posts please help me out : ) nick

Pegasus \(MVP\)

Nickolas said:
i just bought a hp laptop it came with no OS however did come with a XP pro
product key i obtained a XP cd and it will not accept the product key i have
spoken to hp they told me to call microsoft then the call to microsoft said i
should write to these series of posts please help me out : ) nick

There are several flavours of WinXP CDs:
- WinXP Home OEM
- WinXP Home Retail
- WinXP Professional OEM
- WinXP Professional Retail
Your product key is apparently not valid for the CD
you have.

By the way, adding punctuation to your posts, as a
matter of courtesy to respondents, would make them
a lot easier to read.

Carey Frisch [MVP]

Your only option is to go out and purchase a
"Full Version" of Windows XP and proceed
with a "Clean Install".

Clean Install Windows XP

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows Shell/User



| i just bought a hp laptop it came with no OS however did come with a XP pro
| product key i obtained a XP cd and it will not accept the product key i have
| spoken to hp they told me to call microsoft then the call to microsoft said i
| should write to these series of posts please help me out : ) nick

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers


The Product keys are not interchangable, you need one that matches your type
of media. If you "obtained a XP cd", why did you not use the product key
that came with it?

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Associate Expert - WindowsXP Expert Zone

Windows help - www.rickrogers.org

Ken Blake, MVP

Nickolas said:
i just bought a hp laptop it came with no OS however did come with a
XP pro product key i obtained a XP cd and it will not accept the
product key

Product keys need to match the type of CD that you have in all these
respects: Professional vs. Home; Retail vs. OEM, and Full vs. Upgrade. In
all probablilty, your key and CD don't match in at least on of those

Contact HP and see if they can sell you the CD you need.


Nickolas said:
i just bought a hp laptop it came with no OS however did come with a XP pro
product key i obtained a XP cd and it will not accept the product key i
spoken to hp they told me to call microsoft then the call to microsoft
said i
should write to these series of posts please help me out : ) nick

"obtained a XP cd"
Oh yeah, uh huh, sure.

Bruce Chambers

Nickolas said:
i just bought a hp laptop it came with no OS however did come with a XP pro
product key i obtained a XP cd and it will not accept the product key i have
spoken to hp they told me to call microsoft then the call to microsoft said i
should write to these series of posts please help me out : ) nick

Did you use the Product Key that was affixed to the bottom of the HP
laptop? If so, did you use an OEM CD provided by HP? If the answer to
the first question is "yes," and the answer to the second question is
"No," then what you're seeing is perfectly normal.

Product Keys are bound to the specific type and language of CD/license
(OEM, Volume, retail, full, or Upgrade) with which they are purchased.
For example, a WinXP Home OEM Product Key won't work for any retail
version of WinXP Home, or for any version of WinXP Pro, and vice versa.
An Upgrade's Product Key cannot be used with a full version CD, and
vice versa. An OEM Product Key will not work to install a retail
product. An Italian Product Key will not work with an English CD.
Bottom line: Product Keys and CD/license types cannot be mixed & matched.

Your options:

1) Obtain a replacement installation CD from HP, and use the Product
Key affixed to the laptop.

2) Obtain a generic OEM installation CD (or copy thereof), and use the
Product Key affixed to the laptop.

3) Purchase a new full (OEM or retail) license of WinXP.

4) Install another operating system.


Bruce Chambers

Help us help you:

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. -Benjamin Franklin

Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of
chains and slavery? .... I know not what course others may take, but as
for me, give me liberty, or give me death! -Patrick Henry

Ron Martell

Nickolas said:
i just bought a hp laptop it came with no OS however did come with a XP pro
product key i obtained a XP cd and it will not accept the product key i have
spoken to hp they told me to call microsoft then the call to microsoft said i
should write to these series of posts please help me out : ) nick

Check for a second partition on the hard drive of the laptop. Most
HP machines come with a System Recovery disk image in that partition
plus a utility program to put copy the image to the boot partition.

Good luck

Ron Martell Duncan B.C. Canada
Microsoft MVP (1997 - 2006)
On-Line Help Computer Service

"Anyone who thinks that they are too small to make a difference
has never been in bed with a mosquito."

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