XP home backup??




I have Xp home and I need to back it up. i have found out that i need to
install the backup wizard from a windows CD but I didnt get a cd with my

My xp code and cert are on the bottom of my PC.

Can i download the Backup wizard (cant see it) or is there another way to
get it working .

Thank you for your help

Shenan Stanley

Harriet said:
I have Xp home and I need to back it up. i have found out that i
need to install the backup wizard from a windows CD but I didnt get
a cd with my laptop.

My xp code and cert are on the bottom of my PC.

Can i download the Backup wizard (cant see it) or is there another
way to get it working .

Triple Posted. The web interface is getting annoying.

Microsoft's take:

Q. My new computer came loaded with Windows XP Home Edition, but Backup is
not on it. How can I get it?
A. Backup was originally designed for use in corporate backup scenarios with
tape backup devices not commonly found in the home. If you want to use
Backup, you can install it from the Windows XP Home Edition CD.

To install the Backup utility manually

1.Insert the Windows XP Home Edition CD.
2.Click Perform additional tasks.
3.Navigate to the VALUEADD\MSFT\NTBACKUP folder.
4.Double-click the ntbackup.msi file.

For more information, see http://support.microsoft.com/kb/311246

However - there are people out there who have made it available...

So get it, install it and read up on how to use it!

How To Use Backup to Back Up Files and Folders on Your Computer

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