XP Hangs



Hi, new to this type of forum. I recently built a new machine running an
Intel Celeron 340 2.93Ghz. I used a clone disk and did the XP repair
function and everything was working fine. After a few days XP now just
hangs. Not in any particular app, or internet, etc. The cursor just freezes
and the only way out is to hard power cycle it. I don't see anything being
logged in event viewer, is there somewhere else that might be logging what
could be hanging the system? Thanks in advance.

Mark L. Ferguson

Best shot, boot to Safe Mode menu (F8 on restart) and select the bootlog option, then boot to safe mode and read %windir%ntbtlog.txt
to see where the system stops.

If it boot without error, the event viewer might have info.

start/run, type : eventvwr.msc

If you get some filename in an error, rightclick that file to see the Properties, and who made the file. This might tell you if some
piece of hardware has gone bad.


I did a fresh XP Pro load and it hung after that. I am thinking I have a
CPU, Memory or bios issue at this point.

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