XP Freeze at Setup



Hi kind of have the same problem as described below from
someonelse post. XP freezes directly after the Setup blue
screen. It doesn't even get to load drivers ! I found
that my disk drive A: keeps the light of the led open at
that point. Then nothing...

I still have XP on my machine and it boots fine and works
fine, but when trying to reinstall nothin.. It just
freezes there !

Here is also a comment of someone that experiences the
same as me and for which he still as no answer !

Any clues ?



i have a problem installing xp i had it on here for about
9 months working fine then all of a sudden my pc locked
up and gave me an error when i restarted it saying that
recent hardware or software changes made it not boot
successfully and that i could boot it normally or boot
from the last known good boot it also had choices like
safe mode and safe mode with networking i tried them all
they froze b4 the logon screen for xp came up so i
installed windows me in in another windows file and tried
to install xp it failed it just froze at the blue screen
where it says setup is starting windows so i backed
everything up and did a format and tried to do a clean
install of xp it failed it still froze at the exact same
spot no error messege nothing i let it sit for a few hrs
hoping it would kick over but it never did anything i
took out all pci slots that were unneeded tried the
install on another hd still same problem i took out all
but one stick of memory that didnt work so i tried each
individual stick in each individual dimm slot im almost
positive my ram is good so at this time i was about rdy
to give up untill i had the idea that i should maybe try
to take the hdd out and put it in another pc and install
xp from there it worked it installed perfectly no errors
it booted in fine everything was good so i knew it wasnt
my hdd i popped it out and put it back in this pc hoping
to just boot up windows but gah the same error as b4
recent hardware or software changes caused an unsucessful
boot so i really dont know what to do PLZ HELP!!!! im not
sure but i really dont think its my ram and my hdd is
good so i mean i have no idea what it can be a friend of
mine told me that he thinks my mother boards ide
controller went bad or something maybe my bios that
refuses to flash plz any ideas or suggestions will be

Rich Barry

Dave, remove everything you don't need for Installing WinXP. After WinXP
installs successfully you can reinstall all the


Thank you all !

I've removed my USB 2.0 device for the installation and
it worked fine !

I have compaq flash card reader that seemed to create
problems at boot. Once removed, it did work fine !

Thank you !

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