XP embedded CD writing won't work



My XP embedded CD writing software has stopped working.
An alternative writing program does work using this
drive. Device Manager indicates nothing wrong with my CD
drive. The error message that I get is (There is no disc
in the drive. Please insert a writable CD into drive
D:\). How can I get the embedded XP CD writing software
to work again. The first time this happened I did a
system restore and got it back. This time no restore
point brings back this capability.
I tried the suggestion of going to properties of the
drive and checked that the box enabling recording was

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers

Hi Murray,

Is the other burning software still installed? If so, it likely is causing
the system to disable the native burning function at boot. This is to
prevent conflicts and is by design. Uninstall it, then start/run msconfig.
Go to the services tab and enable the Imapi burning service. If it is
currently enabled, disable it, reboot, then reeanble it. Afterwards, recheck
the option in the drive properties about enabling recording on this drive as
these actions may cause it to become unchecked again.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers aka "Nutcase" MS-MVP - Win9x
Windows isn't rocket science! That's my other hobby!

Associate Expert - WinXP - Expert Zone


I tried your suggestion, but it did not fix the problem.
Any other ideas?



Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers

Hi Murray,

Try the steps here:

HOW TO: Troubleshoot Issues That Occur When You Write Data to a CD-R or
CD-RW Optical Disc in Windows XP

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers aka "Nutcase" MS-MVP - Win9x
Windows isn't rocket science! That's my other hobby!

Associate Expert - WinXP - Expert Zone


Well I tried again
I deleted the drive in device manager.
I put it back
Windows would not recognize it as recordable
Went into the registry, found the correct drive put in
the "2" for recordable and got back to where I was.
Still can't get the XP software to work.

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers

Hi Murray,

See if this helps: http://aumha.org/win5/a/xpcd.htm, under section 8 -
Problems - there is a link to a patch that resolves problems with CD drives.
It may help straighten it out. Other than that, I don't really have anything

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers aka "Nutcase" MS-MVP - Win9x
Windows isn't rocket science! That's my other hobby!

Associate Expert - WinXP - Expert Zone

PA Bear

http://aumha.org/win5/a/xpcd.htm does indeed contain several ideas, Murray.
Also consider:

How to Troubleshoot Issues with Reading CD, CD-R, CD-RW, and DVD Discs

"Incorrect Function" Error Message When You Access the CD-ROM Drive, DVD-ROM
Drive, or CD-RW Drive

Check the website of the "alternative CD writing" software's manufacturer.
Some (e.g., Easy CD Creator) have patches for this problem in WinXP.

Make certain your fully up-to-date at Windows Update.

Does the problem exist when you boot into Safe Mode?
HTH...Please post back to this thread

~Robear Dyer (aka PA Bear)

Protect Your PC

Rick wrote:
Is the other burning software still installed? If so, it likely is causing
the system to disable the native burning function at boot. This is to
prevent conflicts and is by design. Uninstall it, then start/run msconfig.
Go to the services tab and enable the Imapi burning service. If it is
currently enabled, disable it, reboot, then reeanble it. Afterwards, recheck
the option in the drive properties about enabling recording on this drive as
these actions may cause it to become unchecked again.

Murray wrote:
My XP embedded CD writing software has stopped working. An alternative
writing program does work using this drive. Device Manager indicates
nothing wrong with my CD drive. The error message that I get is (There is no
disc in the drive. Please insert a writable CD into drive D:\). How can I
get the embedded XP CD writing software to work again. The first time this
happened I did a system restore and got it back. This time no restore point
brings back this capability. I tried the suggestion of going to properties
of the drive and checked that the box enabling recording was checked.


Thanks for getting back to me. I've learned a lot in
this exercise but have not solved the problem.

I gave up and tried to install Roxio Easy Cd Creator 5.3
Basic in my computer. I could not do this because I was
missing "D:\data.cab" D is my CD writer drive. Is
this a usefull clue?


As I mentioned I tried to install Roxio CD Creator and
got an error message "D:\Data.Cab" was missing and I
couldn't install.

I did a google search on this and found that if the Roxio
Cd is copied to the C drive and the install is done from
the C drive it will work. I did it. It worked and I can
write CDs again.

The question now is why did I have to do this and does
this provide a clue as to why the embedded XP CD writer
desn't work.

Brian Smither

Why did the embedded XP CD writer stop working?

Did the loss of functionality happen just recently? Were you able to burn
just a few weeks ago but now, for no apparent reason, XP says something
like "Disk not ready for burning?"

If so, then may I ask if you have XP Automatic Update set to "Install
updates without warning me"? I'm working on the theory that an update has
caused this.

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