XP and PartitionMagic


A. G. Waltz

I recently bought a custom-built Pentium IV 3.0 GHz computer with 1GB
RAM running Windows XP Pro SP 1. I then used PartitionMagic 8.0 to
install Windows 98 on a separate partition. I made the partition
active, etc., but I could not boot to Windows 98. PowerQuest support
could not help.

I uninstalled Windows 98, deleted all files on the partition, deleted
the partition, and deleted all references to Windows 98 from the XP

However, when I start the computer I get the Windows 98 splash screen
and then immediately the boot option screen. It does not boot into XP.
I can get a command prompt, but with that or any other option I get
the error message "Cannot find win.com, unable to continue loading

I can boot to XP using an XP start-up floppy but I would like to boot
directly to XP. I can find nothing in the BIOS Setup to account for
this. PowerQuest support has been of no help.

Any ideas?

A. G. Waltz

Carey Frisch [MVP]

How do I install Windows 98/Me after I've installed XP?

"Out of Memory" Error Messages with Large Amounts of RAM Installed

Invalid Boot.ini" or "Windows Could Not Start" Error Messages When You Start Your Computer

HOW TO: Edit the Boot.ini File in Windows XP

The Purpose of the Boot.ini File in Windows XP

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows XP - Shell/User

Be Smart! Protect your PC!


|I recently bought a custom-built Pentium IV 3.0 GHz computer with 1GB
| RAM running Windows XP Pro SP 1. I then used PartitionMagic 8.0 to
| install Windows 98 on a separate partition. I made the partition
| active, etc., but I could not boot to Windows 98. PowerQuest support
| could not help.
| I uninstalled Windows 98, deleted all files on the partition, deleted
| the partition, and deleted all references to Windows 98 from the XP
| registry.
| However, when I start the computer I get the Windows 98 splash screen
| and then immediately the boot option screen. It does not boot into XP.
| I can get a command prompt, but with that or any other option I get
| the error message "Cannot find win.com, unable to continue loading
| Windows."
| I can boot to XP using an XP start-up floppy but I would like to boot
| directly to XP. I can find nothing in the BIOS Setup to account for
| this. PowerQuest support has been of no help.
| Any ideas?
| A. G. Waltz


why bother with that dual boot stuff...you're just creating problems for
yourself...learn XP and run with that....

A. G. Waltz

Thanks for the prompt reply.

I did not have boot.ini in C:\, but there was a backup
(boot.ini.backup) in C:\Windows\pss. I copied it to C:\ as boot.ini.
Using Notepad, my boot.ini is the same as the sample in the MS links
you sent.

The problem persists.

Anything else to try?


Thanks. I did give up on dual boot. It was a mistake to try

I took off everything I could of Windows 98. I now just want to go back so that when I boot from the hard drive I get XP and not the 98 boot option screen

Incidentally, System Restore didn't solve the problem. Also, I couldn't find any problems similar to mine in Google Groups. PowerQuest support never heard of a similar problem

I usually "hibernate," so it's not too bothersome, but there are times when restarting is necessary. Perhaps I'll have to live with it until something forces a reinstallation or until SP2 becomes available


----- milton wrote: ----

why bother with that dual boot stuff...you're just creating problems fo
yourself...learn XP and run with that...


I had similar issues with vestiges of a linux installation (maybe) Partition
Magic 8.0 issues (maybe) and Seagate's Disk Wizard 2003 (maybe). What I
finally did to correct the issue is to boot from the Windows CD and choose
recovery console.

There you will have a couple of options for command-line programs that will
probably solve your problem.

Bootcfg - If Windows can find the boot files you will be able to choose the
boot option that will get you into XP again.
Fixmbr - This one will completely rewrite your Master Boot Record and allow
you to boot into XP but wipes out any boot reference to any other operating
system. This one is the one I had to use to solve my problem and the
message it gave me was something to the effect that I had a "non-standard"
MBR and continuing may make any operating systems unavailable to me. But it
did the trick. XP is back up and running.

Good luck,

A. G. Waltz

Thanks. That did it. I had to download and install the Restore Console
files from the Microsoft site but now at startup I get the option to
boot into XP or the console. No more Windows 98.


Jim Macklin

Your welcome

| Thanks. That did it. I had to download and install the
Restore Console
| files from the Microsoft site but now at startup I get the
option to
| boot into XP or the console. No more Windows 98.

Alex Nichol

A. G. Waltz said:
I recently bought a custom-built Pentium IV 3.0 GHz computer with 1GB
RAM running Windows XP Pro SP 1. I then used PartitionMagic 8.0 to
install Windows 98 on a separate partition. I made the partition
active, etc., but I could not boot to Windows 98. PowerQuest support
could not help.

See http://www.dougknox.com/xp/tips/xp_repair_9x.htm
for guidance in setting up a Win98 *after* Win XP - the normal dual boot
is done starting the other way on

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