XML Schema Validation in c#




I'm really confused as to how to validate XML fragments against a schema in

I am creating XML through an automated process and have an .xsd which was
given to me to validate against.

Can someone give me some clue as to how to validate my XML string against
this schema document? Is there some great secret that I'm missing?



Obviously that's the first place I looked, but I can't make sense of it.
There seem to be a plethora of options for validation and I can't get any to

Doug Erickson [MS]

The easiest way, in my opinion, is to use the XmlValidatingReader class --
specifically, the overload that takes an XML fragment and a parser context.

You need to add the schema to the Schemas and ValidatingType attributes of
the XmlValidatingReader before using it to validate the XML.

Here's a code sample which might help:

(Caveat: I set the XmlParserContext to "null", which may cause issues -- I
haven't actually tested this code. You might want to research the
XmlParserContext class and supply an instance of this class to the
XmlValidatingReader ctor as appropriate.)

Hopefully, this will put you in the right direction!
public class XmlValidator
public XmlValidator(string xmlFragment, string pathToXsd)
XmlValidatingReader xmlValidator = new
XmlValidatingReader(xmlFragment, XmlNodeType.Element, null);
XmlSchemaCollection xsdCollection = new

if (File.Exists(pathToXsd))

xsdCollection.Add("urn:my-schema", pathToXsd);

xmlValidator.ValidationType = ValidationType.Schema;
vr.ValidationEventHandler += new

while (xmlValidator.Read())
// optional element examination here;
// The ValidationEvent event is raised whenever an
error is encountered

public static void MyValidationHandler(object sender,
ValidationEventArgs args)
// Perform handling for validation error here


Doug Erickson [MSFT], Platform SDK UA
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